Guildford major transport schemes

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Dagley Lane

Surrey County Council (SCC) has been allocated government funding to deliver a number of active travel schemes. One of the schemes being taken forwards is Dagley Lane, Shalford.

There is already an existing signed walking and cycling route (although not a continuous formal Right of Way) along Dagley Lane including the section between Shalford Thames Water and the bridge over the railway just south-east of Dagley Lane allotments. However, this section has lacked a bound surface and, during the wetter months of the year in particular, the route can be impassable and is not inclusive to most users.

Taking into account the views of residents, following a public consultation, construction of a path improvements scheme has commenced.

The details of the scheme's scope are as follows:

  • The path is being constructed with a bound, all-weather surface. The majority of the path will have a blended recycled rubber and aggregate (gravel) surface, apart from the small area immediately south of Dagley Lane bridge, which is being constructed in tarmac due to the need for a material that can withstand more regular crossing/turning movements of motor vehicles. Consent has been provided by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to apply the bound surface on the sections that are registered as Common Land.
  • Constructing this path will include removing the steps that currently pose an accessibility issue, creating a slope instead.
  • No lighting is being installed.
  • No trees are being removed.
  • No new parking areas are being created.
  • We have been working with the Surrey Wildlife Trust to ensure that interference with natural habitats is avoided. Additionally, the scheme is looking to make enhancements to benefit wildlife including installation of bat boxes and bird boxes.

Delivery update March 2023

Works are progressing as follows (future programme is subject to change):

  • Trial hole assessments were carried out to assess ground conditions and minor vegetation cut back completed.
  • Phases 1 and 2: Path construction works along the section that is registered as Public Bridleway 269 have been completed.
  • Phase 3: Path construction works between Shalford Thames Water Depot and Public Bridleway 269 are currently being planned. It is necessary to agree the works here with the leaseholder and landowner. Dates will be published once the works are scheduled. All remaining signs will also be installed.

To get in touch further about this scheme please email

Town Centre Transport Package (TCTP)

The Guildford TCTP is package of seven infrastructure schemes to be constructed between 2017-2020 which intend to make it easier for people to get around Guildford town centre on foot, by bicycle and by public transport.

During Autumn 2015, we consulted on a number of ideas that we were considering taking forward as part of the TCTP. Your views helped us to shape the proposals and make a decision on the seven specific schemes that would be developed further.

Following the submission of a successful business case in 2016, Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Council have been granted funding from the Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership to construct the TCTP. We are working with our partners at Guildford Borough Council to deliver this scheme and to make sure that the works will complement the proposals in the Town Centre Masterplan.

Details of the seven schemes in the Guildford TCTP are available below.

1. Walnut Tree Close

Proposals for a traffic restriction on Walnut Tree Close aim to reduce the amount of traffic using the road, particularly vehicles that use the road as a through-route between the A25 and the gyratory. In doing so, we would hope to achieve the following objectives:

  • Reduce peak-hour queuing along Walnut Tree Close
  • Improve safety for all road users
  • Reduce the conflict between traffic exiting Walnut Tree Close and the gyratory
  • Create a more pleasant environment along the road to encourage more walking and cycling

Engagement with residents, businesses and other stakeholders

In Summer 2016 we undertook a public consultation specifically focused on Walnut Tree Close where feedback was sought on the proposals. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to the consultation.

We also held virtual 'drop-in' sessions for local businesses in November 2020 to provide clarification on a proposed trial of the traffic restriction and to identify actions to ensure business continuity during the implementation.


During November 2020 to February 2021, the council undertook a trial one-way traffic restriction, which permitted vehicle traffic to travel northbound only along a section of Walnut Tree Close/Woodbridge Meadows between Kernel Court and a location just north of Woodbridge Meadows Car Park. Bicycle users continued to be able to travel in both directions along the full length of Walnut Tree Close by using a protected cycle lane within the one-way section of road.

The one-way measures along Walnut Tree Close have now been removed following the completion of the trial to allow for construction work to take place on Walnut Bridge. The changes in travel patterns along the road and around Guildford during the trial period are currently under review to determine the outcomes of the traffic restriction. This will inform the next steps for any future measures along Walnut Tree Close.

2. Walnut Bridge

The existing bridge over the River Wey will be replaced with a new bridge designed for non-motorised users, linking Guildford Rail Station to the Bedford Wharf area. The scheme is being delivered by Guildford Borough Council.

The location and alignment of the existing bridge means that visitors to Guildford who are less familiar with area are often unaware of it, whilst the current width requires cyclists to dismount when travelling across it.

Access to the new bridge will no longer be hidden by the surrounding buildings on Walnut Tree Close which should encourage greater use by those travelling between the rail station and town centre. The new bridge will also be considerably wider, providing an easier route for cyclists without the need to dismount.

3. Guildford College Link+

The link will use residential roads to provide a quiet and pleasant route for pedestrians and cyclists, connecting the new Walnut Bridge and the Bedford Wharf area to Guildford College.

The scheme will include the provision of directional signs, new controlled crossings and the provision of off-road cycle facilities.

4. Millbrook Car Park (complete)

The junction arrangement at Millbrook Car Park previously only allowed traffic exiting the car park to turn left and enter the gyratory rather than turn right and travel southbound, which put additional pressure on town centre traffic. Visitors travelling from the south of Guildford were also discouraged from using the car park because of the difficulty in returning southbound after leaving.

The scheme involved reconfiguring and partially signalising the junction to enable traffic to turn right when exiting the car park, therefore easing the pressure on the gyratory and making the car park more attractive to potential users.

Construction of the scheme was completed in May 2018.

5. A25 Cycle Corridor

The existing off-road shared-use pedestrian and cycle facility along the A25 was improved as part of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund in 2014 to 2015, however there were a number areas along the route that could not be upgraded to a desirable standard at the time. As such, there are sections of the route that are incomplete and act as 'gaps' in the network where cyclists must dismount or join the road.

As part of the Guildford TCTP these gaps will be filled in, extending or improving the existing shared-use facility in the following locations along the A25:

  • South side of the A25 Midleton Road between Midleton Industrial Estate Road and Surrey Way (complete)
  • South side of the A25 Woodbridge Road between the A322 and Woodbridge Meadows (complete)
  • North side of the A25 Ladymead outside the Ladymead Retail Centre
  • South side of the A25 Parkway between Stoke Crossroads and Boxgrove Roundabout (complete)

Construction work on the shared-use facility along the south side of the A25 was completed in August 2019.

6. A25/A320 Stoke Crossroads (complete)

The junction of the A25 and A320 (Stoke Crossroads) is located along a popular route into the town centre from Stoughton, Slyfield and other areas north of Guildford. However, due to its links to the A3, Stoke Crossroads is a particularly busy junction for vehicular traffic and a difficult junction to cross for non-motorised users. Only two of the arms of the junction currently have controlled crossing facilities at surface level, and whilst the western arm has a pedestrian bridge the northern arm has no crossing facilities at all. Much of the road surface at the junction is also in a poor condition

The proposed improvements will include:

  • Providing improved crossing facilities across the junction for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Widening the pathways on each of the corners of the junction to create a shared-use pedestrian and cycle facility, filling another gap in the A25 cycle corridor.
  • Converting the signals to operate in tandem with the A3 southbound off-slip to enable the junction to work more efficiently for traffic.
  • Resurfacing the carriageway around the junction.
  • Improving bus reliability by upgrading the traffic signals to prioritise late-running buses.

Construction work on the junction was completed in March 2019.

7. A3100 London Road

The section of London Road between the Boxgrove Roundabout and London Road Rail Station currently has an on-road advisory cycle lane, however the cycle lane is intermittent and stops in some areas, particularly outside Stoke Park.

The route will be improved to provide a continuous cycle facility along this section of London Road. Crossing facilities will also be improved along London Road for pedestrians whilst the facilities at a number of the bus stops will be upgraded.

Unlocking Guildford

'Unlocking Guildford' is a package of six coordinated Surrey County Council, Guildford Borough Council and Environment Agency projects that together seek to address existing issues on the transport network to enable opportunities for further growth in the borough. The six projects are

  • Guildford Quality Bus Corridors
  • A31 Resilience
  • Blackwater Valley Hotspots
  • Town Centre Approaches
  • Sustainable Movement Corridor West
  • Town Centre Flood Alleviation

An Unlocking Guildford Public Consultation ran between 22 January and 4 March 2018, where we asked for your feedback on projects in the package. Thank you for providing your input during this period; this assisted us in deciding how to develop these projects further, into what is now being delivered.

Surrey County Council are leading the delivery of the Guildford Quality Bus Corridor, A31 Resilience and Blackwater Valley Hotspots projects. Information relating to these schemes is provided on this page.

Guildford Borough Council are leading the delivery of the Town Centre Approaches and Sustainable Movement Corridor West projects. Information relating to these schemes can be found on the major projects section of Guildford Borough Council's website or by contacting Guildford Borough Council.

The Environment Agency are leading the development of the Town Centre Flood Alleviation Scheme, with further information available on the agency's dedicated Town Centre Flood Alleviation Scheme web page.

1. Guildford Quality Bus Corridors

Buses are a vital mode of transport for Guildford, used by 15,000 people per day accessing shops, their jobs and key services, as well as for leisure. Surrey County Council has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions across Surrey by 2050. With 46% of the county's carbon emissions produced by transport, making buses and other sustainable travel options more practical and attractive for more people and journeys has an important part to play in achieving this. Additionally, with new homes proposed in Guildford Borough and beyond over the next 20 years, a quick, reliable bus network will be vital in ensuring that an already congested road network is not overwhelmed by the increased number of daily journeys.

This project brings together a set of measures designed to

  • reduce bus journey times
  • improve bus reliability and punctuality
  • increase levels of bus patronage.

To achieve these outcomes, the project will

  • improve highways, redesigning roads at locations where buses currently get held up
  • introduce intelligent traffic lights that detect late-running buses and change signal timings in their favour
  • improve bus stops, including better waiting areas, new shelters, more live bus departure screens and accessibility improvements
  • introduce new electric buses on Park and Ride services

Bus corridors are sections of road or roads where several bus services travel in the same or a similar direction. This project seeks to enhance all the principal bus corridors in Guildford, identified as:

  • Epsom Road corridor - Epsom Road heading east out of Guildford towards Merrow
  • London Road corridor - London Road heading northeast out of Guildford towards Burpham
  • Woking Road corridor - Stoke Road and Woking Road heading north out of Guildford towards Bellfields and Jacobs Well
  • Woodbridge Road corridor - Woodbridge Road heading northwest out of Guildford towards Woodbridge Hill and Stoughton
  • southwest corridor - buses entering and exiting Guildford via the gyratory, towards Egerton Road and the hospital, Farnham Road, Artington or Shalford

Bus stop improvements and intelligent traffic lights are proposed across all corridors, whilst highway improvements are planned on the Epsom Road and Woodbridge Road corridors. The new electric buses are now operational and serve existing Park and Ride sites whilst all other improvements will be introduced during 2021 and 2022.

This scheme was consulted on as part of the Unlocking Guildford Public Consultation and has a budget of £4.52 million, made up of

  • £3.21 million Local Growth Fund grant from Enterprise M3, for improvements to highways, bus stops and passenger information
  • £1.31 million spent on new electric bus fleet by Stagecoach, the company that operates Guildford's Park and Ride buses

Updates on project progress and next steps are included in the project's newsletters:

Further detail on each of the elements that make up this project and progress on each are given below.

a) Bus stop improvements

Bus stops across the town will be upgraded with live bus departure screens and improved waiting areas, including new bus shelters. Many more bus stops will be made accessible with raised kerbs that remove the step down from the bus, and there will be more room for the bus to pull in and line up with the pavement edge - ideal for those using a mobility aid, or travelling with small children or luggage. Other improvements might include footway widening and resurfacing, street furniture decluttering and installation of electric power (e.g. for lighting and live departure screens).

To date, surveys of the town's over 150 bus stops have reviewed the existing stop condition and the improvements needed, with £1 million of the awarded funding improving those bus stops deemed the highest priority across all bus corridors. These will be distributed around the town's bus corridors, principally based on bus routes 1, 2, 3S, 4, 5, 36 and 37. A list of proposed bus stop improvements (PDF) has been created showing the locations and potential improvements at bus stops that the project plans to upgrade, subject to funding and time constraints.

b) Intelligent traffic lights

Surrey County Council is currently undertaking signal junction refurbishments within Guildford, including the principal signal junctions along all this project's bus corridors. This project has funded and agreed the installation and configuration of additional equipment at these junctions which will detect late-running buses and adjust the signal cycle times to give them priority though the junction as they approach, helping buses to make up time if they have been delayed. These intelligent junctions are also able to respond to changing traffic conditions throughout the day, helping to keep all traffic moving alleviating general congestion which can otherwise cause buses to become delayed.

To date, a new software connection that allows traffic lights to detect late-running buses has been introduced and is currently being tested. Signal upgrades are planned throughout 2020 and 2021, based upon the timings of the wider signal refurbishment works.

c) New electric buses

New, award-winning electric buses have been introduced on the town's Park and Ride services, offering a smooth, comfortable ride, improving local air quality and helping to tackle the climate emergency.

d) Highway improvements: Epsom Road corridor

Highway improvements for the junction of Bushy Hill Drive with Epsom Road, and at the Park Lane roundabout have now been delivered.

At the junction of Bushy Hill Drive and Epsom Road, the traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and central island on Epsom Road immediately east of the junction have been moved slightly further away from the junction, providing an extended waiting area for traffic turning right from Epsom Road into Bushy Hill Drive. This will reduce the likelihood of right turning vehicles blocking those continuing towards Guildford, helping more traffic through the junction and reducing the congestion that delays buses at this point in peak times. The footway on the northern side of Epsom Road as well as the pedestrian refuge on Bushy Hill Drive will be widened and improved to better accommodate mobility aids and pushchairs as well as provide greater comfort for people walking to and from the bus stop nearby, as well as other pedestrians. The traffic lights at this junction will be refurbished and an intelligent Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Activation (MOVA) system introduced which will optimise signal timings to different traffic conditions as they occur, to further reduce congestion. The traffic signals will also be upgraded to detect late-running buses and change the lights in their favour where possible.

At Park Lane roundabout, the westbound exit onto Epsom Road heading into Guildford has been redesigned in order to formalise a situation which was observed at peak times where many drivers were waiting on the hatched area to merge into the single lane, in order to clear the roundabout and allow other traffic on the roundabout to flow. The improvements have introduced a formal merge and removed the hatchings, which will allow more vehicles to clear the roundabout, easing traffic flow and reducing blockages and congestion on the roundabout.

The project is also considering options for introducing a bus lane between the Merrow Park and Ride site and the junction of Bushy Hill Drive and Epsom Road, or a part of this route.

e) Highway improvements: Woodbridge Road corridor

An extension to the southbound bus lane on Woodbridge Road has now been delivered. The new section of bus lane runs southbound from the roundabout at Stocton Close to just north of the junction with Gardner Road. This significantly improves a major bus congestion point under the railway bridge, helping to improve bus journey times along this popular bus corridor into central Guildford. In order to make this scheme possible, on street parking bays along the western side of Woodbridge Road needed to be reconfigured, with a slight net reduction in the number of available spaces - although the results of a parking survey on Woodbridge Road show that this still provides enough capacity based on existing demand.

2. A31 Resilience

This project is a capital maintenance project that is supported by the Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership. The business case was predicated on the poor asset condition of the road and its impact on journey times, particularly during periods of high rainfall.

The project has a total value of £3.712 million.

The project priorities are

  • Resolve / attenuate the formally designated 'wetspots' that are recorded along the Hog's Back, at the Shepherd and Flock Roundabout and in Alton Road. At the time the business case was submitted there were six wetspot locations, but two more have been identified since.
  • Carriageway reconstruction and resurfacing along the Hog's Back and in Alton Road.
  • Repairing and reinstating drainage systems.
  • Provide pollution control measures to protect the River Wey and introduce measures to assist emergency and reactive response crews.

The limits of the project are from Guildford town to the western county boundary, across both Guildford Borough and Waverley Borough.

Work completed in 2020

Two carriageway resurfacing schemes on the Hog's Back have been completed in 2019. The first was to reconstruct the carriageway across all lanes in both directions, as it transitions from the single lane Farnham Road to the dual carriageway Hog's Back, across the A3. This will be followed immediately by a significant length of carriageway resurfacing to both eastbound lanes of the Hog's Back west of the Puttenham junction.

2021 construction programme

The majority of work for 2020 to 2021 will be prioritised to Alton Road, to the west of Coxbridge Roundabout.

There are three separate wetspots to be resolved in Alton Road, mainly impacting on the eastbound carriageway. The carriageway, particularly on the approaches to Coxbridge Business Park, is in extremely poor condition and will be reconstructed, along with other sections of Alton Road prioritised by condition.

Drainage improvements will also be carried out at Shepherd and Flock Roundabout, the A331 on-slip road eastbound and in each direction on the Hog's Back.

It is anticipated that most of the drainage work will be carried out during the day time with lane closures on the dual carriageway sections, and that carriageway resurfacing will be undertaken with night-time closures, and the associated diversions, but the detail of the New Roads and Street Works Act permits has still to be finalised.

Construction progress will need to be subject to the ability work safely, taking account of government coronavirus guidance.


'Wetspots' are defined as the location of a reported, recurring flood incident which is unlikely to be solved through our day-to-day activities. This might be a problem caused by or affecting the highway, or be an issue affecting homes, businesses or important infrastructure.

Known wetspot locations can be reviewed, and new wetspots reported, on the flooding and wetspots webpage.

3. Blackwater Valley Hotspots

The Blackwater Valley Hotspots project, worth just over £5m, is funded jointly by Enterprise M3, Guildford Borough Council and Surrey County Council as part of the Unlocking Guildford package of transport schemes.

The A331 Blackwater Valley Relief Road is a vital transport corridor between Hampshire and Surrey however parts of the route suffer from congestion during peak periods leading to delays in journey times. There are also a number of new homes expected to be created in the vicinity of the corridor which is likely to see greater travel demand in future.

To address these issues the Blackwater Valley Hotspots project targets two key junctions in the Ash and Tongham areas:

A323 junction with A324

The improvements upgrade the traffic signals and create an additional eastbound lane on the approach to the junction. The plans also include the provision of new signalised crossing facilities for pedestrians crossing the A323.

Construction work commenced in January 2021 and was completed in April 2021.

A331 junction with A31

The improvements involve creating a new slip lane for vehicles travelling southbound on the A331 and wishing to travel eastbound along the A31, removing the need to use the roundabout. The roundabout will be part signalised and incorporate new footways and signalised toucan crossing facilities to make it safer and easier to navigate for pedestrians and cyclists travelling along the Christmas Pie trail.

Construction work began in July 2021 and finished in March 2022.

Get in touch

There are many ways to get in touch:

Please mention the relevant scheme (for example, 'Guildford Quality Bus Corridor') in your correspondence.

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