Join your library

Joining is free. You can join online or at the library.

Joining online will give you temporary membership and allow you to access eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, eComics and eNewspapers. Temporary membership expires after 3 months. You can upgrade to full membership at any of our libraries.

Join the library online

You will receive your temporary membership number by email.

More information

Upgrading to full membership is free and can be done at any of our libraries. You will need:

  • your temporary membership number and
  • some identification with your name and address on, such as a driving licence, bank statement or recent utility bill

Upgrading to full membership will allow you to:

  • borrow items from the library including books, CDs and DVDs,
  • request items not in stock at your local library (a fee may apply),
  • use other library services, including access to the internet and booking a computer,
  • manage your account online.

You can join at any of our libraries.

You will need some identification with your name and address on, such as a driving licence, bank statement or recent utility bill.

Once you have joined the library, you can log in to your account online. You will need you library card number and PIN.

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