Redhill Centre for Local and Family History

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Redhill Centre for Local and Family History is based in Redhill Library, and you can use the local history centre resources at any time that the library is open.

Even better, visit us at the following times each month when volunteers from the Reigate and Redhill Local and Family History Group are available to help you use the resources and equipment.

Public sessions

First and third Saturdays of the month from 2pm until 4pm. Please note these are no sessions in August.

Because of the unexpected closure of Redhill Library, we now hold sessions at Reigate library and Merstham Library.

The Reigate and Redhill Local and Family History Group volunteers offer advice and guidance to the public for family trees and local history.

Please contact Jackie Johnson by emailing for further information.

If you need to find out more or ask a question, contact the library via our contact centre or submit an enquiry using the Libraries local or family history enquiry form.

About the Redhill Centre for Local and Family History

The local and family history centre exists to encourage interest in local and family history in Redhill, Reigate, Bletchingley, Buckland, Earlswood, Gatton, Leigh, Merstham, Nutfield, Salfords and Sidlow.

We offer an extensive range of resources including census records, parish registers, large scale maps, directories and photos.

We provide a microfilm and microfiche reader-printer and there is access to the internet on the library computer terminals.

If we can't answer your question, we can refer you to local experts or Surrey History Centre. When the centre is not staffed you can leave a written enquiry.

Redhill Centre for Local and Family History is a partnership between Surrey Libraries, Surrey History Centre, Reigate and Redhill Local and Family History Group, Holmesdale Natural History Club, Reigate Priory Museum and the Merstham Society.

See also Wings Museum at Balcombe, West Sussex.

Redhill Centre for Local and Family History is looking for more volunteer stewards and committee members. Please contact if you are interested in volunteering.

Millennium books produced by Redhill Centre for Local and Family History

  • Victorian Reigate and Redhill by Tony Powell (no longer available)
  • Royalists, Roundheads and Rogues of Reigate by Brenda Potter
  • Tudor Reigate by Tony Powell
  • Family History Guide to Local Records (Reigate and District) by Arthur Hawkes and Jackie Johnson

Please contact Jackie Johnson on 01737 766135 or email to order an item.

Books are £1 each plus £1 UK postage and packing per book. For overseas postage please contact us.

Cheques must be included with the order, payable to Redhill Centre for Local and Family History.

Reigate and Redhill Local and Family History Group

Our aim is to bring together people of all ages and from all walks of life who are interested in tracing their family trees. Our members have a vast knowledge and can help you with your enquiries.

Our meetings are held six times a year on alternate months: January (on Zoom), March, May (Annual General Meeting), July, September and November.

Please contact Jackie Johnson on 01737 766135 or email for dates and times of each meeting.

Reigate and Redhill Local and Family History Group (previously known as Reigate and District Family History Group) regularly meet at:

The Green room
The Woodhatch Centre
Whitebeam Drive

You may pay an entry fee at the door, currently £4 or take a subscription for six meetings for a reduced rate. Doors open 7.30pm for refreshments followed by the talk at 8pm. Most meetings feature a talk on some aspect of genealogy and offer the chance to meet people with similar interests.

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