Gritting update on Thursday 13 March
All P1 routes from 7pm today.
Find the list of all gritting routes online - Surrey Winter Online Map
Winter Service is the gritting service we provide from October through to April (longer if forecasts indicate that cold weather will continue).
This service operates on a standby basis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and includes:
- Gritting roads
- Snow ploughing
- Grit bins at priority locations
When roads are assessed to require gritting due to low temperatures, icy conditions and/or snow, our gritters are sent out to grit roads on the network.
We stockpile around 10,000 tonnes of grit which is distributed across our four grit barns. We aim to keep all grit barns at 75% capacity. We also have 38 gritters and 1 mini gritter. Our gritters travel around 1,775 miles of road when gritting Priority 1 roads. Our 4 winter service depots are,
- Godstone
- Merrow
- Bagshot
- Witley