Starting your childcare career

Thinking about working with children? It can be a challenging job but also hugely varied, rewarding and fun so we think you've made a fantastic choice!

You can search and apply for jobs using our free Childcare Jobs service. Or find out about the different areas you could work in below.

Become a registered childminder

Childminders care for babies, toddlers and children in their own home. Find out about the role of a childminder and how to become a registered childminder in Surrey.

Become an early years practitioner

Early years practitioners work with children from 0 to 5 years old in places like day nurseries, pre-schools, private nursery schools and maintained and independent schools. Job roles include everything from nursery workers and nursery managers to early years teachers.

Become a playworker

Playworkers work with children from two to 16 years old in out of school or playwork settings, including breakfast clubs, after school clubs, mobile play buses, adventure playgrounds and holiday playschemes. Read a playworker job profile to find out more.

Become a nanny

Nannies work in private homes caring for their employer's babies and young children. As a nanny, you can join the voluntary part of the Ofsted childcare register, here is Ofsted's quick guide to registering.

You will nearly always be employed by the family you work for rather than being self-employed. This means that the family you work for are your employer and must pay tax and National Insurance contributions on your behalf. It also means that you have the right to certain benefits like paid holiday and sick pay.

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