Who are the transition team?

Who are we?

We are the Transition Team.

We help people in Surrey who have a disability like autism or problems with learning, seeing, hearing, or moving.

We help people who are becoming an adult and have an Education, Health and Social Care Plan (EHCP).

How can we help?

We can give advice about your life after you are 18 years old and talk about options with you and your family. We can start to do this when you are 14 years old.

When you are 17, we can do something called an assessment with you. An assessment is where we meet with you and find out what you like to do, who is important to you, what you are good at and any help that you need.

We will also talk about how you can be safe and look after yourself. We will write down what we learn and talk to you about what you want to do when you become an adult.

We have made a guide that shows how your transition journey (PDF) might look.

How do I let the team know about me?

If you have an EHCP and have a learning disability, autism, physical disability, or problems with seeing or hearing, we can help you. You need to talk to one of these people to ask for help:

  • Children's Social Worker
  • SEND (Education) Case Officer
  • Children's Occupational Therapist (OT)

They should ask us for help when you are in Year 9.

If you need help, you can talk to one of these people. They will help you ask us for help.

We can't help everyone, but we can give advice to people who can't get our help.

If you want more information, call us on 01276 800270 or email us at transitionteam@surreycc.gov.uk.

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