Latest updates from the Learning Disability and Autism Information Hub

Y-Mania Summer Ball 28 June 2024

Get it in your diaries! YMCA East Surrey are hosting the Y-Mania Summer Ball on 28 June 7.30 to 10pm at their community centre in Princes Road, Redhill.

£6 in advance, £8 on the door (if there are tickets left) Carers and support free, cash bar, must be 18+.

To book: email or call reception 01737 779 979.

Sunnybank's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' 29 June 2024

Sunnybank's drama group will be presenting a fun, mad and fully immersive show 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' on Saturday 29th June at 11am (homes and groups) or 2pm at St. Barnabas Church, Epsom.

Tickets are £10.00 inc. chocolate delights, free draw and a great show. For tickets contact

Surrey Autism Champions Training

Autism by Experience are ready to start promoting Rounds 6, 7 and 8 of the Surrey Autism Champions Training.

You can book your slot online on the Form office site. You will need to fill in your personal details.

These rounds all start in September 2024 and finish by March 2025.

If you are considering applying and need more information or have questions, please email Mike Leat via to arrange a chat.

My Vote My Voice, "Don't Give Up Your Voice" and 'My rights to Vote'

My vote my voice have put together a video on the importance of voting and why we should not give up your vote in the July general election.

They have also produced a printable and interactive pdf document for those that need reasonable adjustments for voting. This can be taken with you to voting day. Please remember that this document does not replace you voter ID, make sure you bring this with you.

Relaxed leisure sessions designed to help people with sensory sensitivity in Redhill

Join The Light in Redhill for relaxed sessions designed for autistic guests or guests with sensory sensitivity and their friends to enjoy.

These 60-minute sessions are available every Tuesday during term time from 10 am to 11 am. Experience a calm and quiet environment with dimmed lights and reduced sound for a more enjoyable bowling and mini-golf outing.

Quick guide to supporting someone to vote in the General Election

My Vote My Voice have published this quick guide developed by Shared Lives Plus to help support people to vote in the General Election.

NEW independent skills in Surrey Libraries

The Independent Skills Course is an 8-week course run in local libraries, helping you stay independent with as much choice and control over your life as possible.

The Independent Skills project is about building a toolkit that to empower individuals to live independently. These skills could vary from person to person. Common examples include budgeting money, light exercise routines, and basic computer skills.

Barclay's Bank Redhill Quiet Hours Trial

As part of Autism Friendly East Surrey, Barclay's Bank Redhill Branch is trialling quiet hours to be more accessible for autistic and other neurodivergent people.

They will silence the self-service devices and dim the lights on Wednesday at 2pm to 3pm, and Saturday 12noon to 2pm.

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