Going online and using smart technology

You can get help on learning and support to use computers, tablets and smartphones from the following:

  • Surrey Libraries provide help getting started using computers, tablets and smartphones and offer free one to one support with Digital Buddies as well as free internet courses. For more information contact:
    • Phone: Surrey County Council's Community helpline, 0300 200 1008, Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm.
    • Email: libraries@surreycc.gov.uk and ask for a member of library staff to contact you.
  • Connect to Support Surrey lists centres which offer computer lessons and courses.
  • Surrey Coalition of Disabled People offer:
    • Practical "Tech How-To" guides on subjects including how to use Amazon Alexa and Echo, Introduction to video conferencing, connecting Android or Apple devices and phones to Wi-Fi networks, help with smart home devices and using YouTube, and WhatsApp. There are also easy read guides available.
    • Would you like a helping hand to get online? Tech to Community Connect Project provides devices, digital literacy training and confidence boosting support to people all over Surrey. The service is aimed at people who are at the highest risk of digital exclusion: people who are disabled, people with a long term health condition, people with mental ill-health, carers, older people, and people from black and minoritised ethnic groups. Please fill in the form if you are interested in joining the project and being loaned a tablet computer, and training and support to use it: Tech Member participant registration and agreement form
  • AbilityNet provides a range of free services for disabled people, their family and friends, their employers and other people who care for them. They have a network of IT Can Help volunteers who can visit people in their homes to help with everyday IT needs including helping install and set up new software and hardware, assistive technology, help diagnosing problems and help choosing equipment.
  • The Workers Educational Association (WEA) offer basic computer classes at various centres throughout Surrey.
  • Sight for Surrey can help blind or partially sighted with information, guidance, support and training with specialist ICT equipment, for example with screen readers, screen magnification technology, smartphones and tablets, hand-held magnifiers, desktop video magnifiers (often referred to as CCTVs) and smart speakers. Sight for Surrey can help people who are deaf, hard of hearing or who have CSHL with information, guidance, and demonstrations of equipment and support in the use of specialist equipment.

Video guides

Please note: Please read our disclaimer. We do not endorse or recommend any of the products listed above, they are meant for reference purposes only.

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