Mental health - Where to get help

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There is a wide range of support in Surrey provided by many different organisations. These include the local mental health trust, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP), charities and the county council.

Need help urgently?

If you feel like you, or someone you care for, might attempt suicide, or may have seriously harmed yourself, you need urgent medical help. Please call the Crisis Mental Health Helpline which is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for mental health advice and support on:

You could also visit any of the five Safe Havens which are open in the evenings, at weekends and on bank holidays and managed by mental health professionals trained to help people in a crisis situation. The Safe Havens also offer virtual out of hours support.

Professionals wanting to make a referral should use our Mental health professional referral form.

Refer yourself for support

Talking to someone is the first step towards getting help. A doctor will be able to assess your condition and advise on what support you could receive. Rethink, the national mental health charity has advice on speaking to your doctor and how to prepare so you get the most out of your appointment.

You can also refer yourself to local services such as:

  • Talking Therapies Surrey who provide one-to-one, group based and online talking therapies as well as self-help resources.
  • Community Connections Surrey for anyone interested in receiving support for emotional wellbeing. This includes one-to-one support, as well as group support for things like depression, eating disorders, and bi-polar disorder.

Getting mental health support online

  • The Virtual Wellbeing Hub is a way to join events or support services virtually from the comfort of your own home. There's a range of sessions available such as yoga, coffee mornings, arts and crafts, mindfulness and meditation, most of which are free.
  • The First Steps guide offers a range of information and self-help techniques to help support your emotional wellbeing.
  • Every Mind Matters offers information and practical tips on a range of topics such as sleeping, managing difficult thoughts and feelings and the impact of Coronavirus.
  • There are lots of tools and apps that are approved by the NHS or Public Health teams that can help you.

When Adult Social Care can help

Adult Social Care supports people with mental health needs when it affects their daily life. Your GP may refer you to Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) for appropriate support and you may be supported by both services at some points in your recovery to ensure your needs are met and that you are able to live life to the full and do things that matter to you.

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