What is adult social care?

Adult social care aims to help people stay independent, safe and well so they can live the lives they want to. This includes people:

We provide information and advice about care and support to everyone who lives in Surrey. If your wellbeing is significantly affected by your condition, we may be able to offer:

  • short-term care. We work with you to help you regain your independence. This might include:
    • help with shopping or housework
    • help to get around your home
    • advice on equipment
  • long-term care If you have complex and ongoing needs. This could be:
    • at home
    • in the community
    • in accommodation like a nursing home

To find out if you, or someone you know, can get help from us, you can complete our self-assessment form. See Adult social care assessments and eligibility to find out more.

To find out if you might have to pay for this support see Paying for care.

What we do in Adult Social Care

We want you to be independent, safe and well, so you can live the life you want. With you, we look at your strengths and what you want to achieve, so that you have choice and control over your daily life.

To do this we will:

  • look at what you can do rather than what you can't do
  • talk to you and get to know you. We don't use prescribed assessment questions
  • get to know what is most important to you and what your concerns are
  • look at what you've already tried and agree the best next steps

See How adult social care can help to find out more.

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