Caring for someone covers lots of different things, but can include:
- helping with daily tasks like washing, dressing or eating
- managing their appointments
- organising their paperwork
- keeping them company when they feel lonely or providing emotional support
When you look after someone who cannot cope without your support, there may be times when you need help too.
Surrey Carers Card will provide you with 3 key benefits:
- your card or fob identifies you as a carer to let people know that someone depends on you
- an option to create a personalised Emergency Care Plan
- access to a range of discounts and benefits
Drop-in sessions
Action for Carers Surrey run drop-in sessions in 15 Carer Hubs across Surrey. They meet twice a month between 10am to 2.30pm. There's no need to book.
The hubs offer a range of support including:
- signposting to other organisations in your area that can support you
- activities
- training sessions and events
- 1 to 1 support
- information about your rights
Find your nearest Carer Hub.
Register with Action for Carers Surrey
Registering with Action for Carers Surrey means you can get:
- information about your rights
- moving and handling training
- invitations to events
Register with Action for Carers Surrey
Carer Helpline
You can contact their helpline on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 5pm and Tuesday and Wednesday 9am to 6pm.
Telephone: 0303 040 1234
Text (SMS): 07714 075 993
It is important that your GP knows you are a carer so they can give you the support and help you need. They can tell you about services that could improve your life as a carer. Ask your GP for their carer registration form.
Short-term breaks
Carers can get up to 35 hours of breaks from Crossroads Care Surrey. You can use this break flexibly, to get a haircut or see friends. You may be able to get further support if needed.
To find out more see Care replacement breaks.
Longer-term breaks
If you need more help on a long-term basis, you will need a carer's assessment. This helps you find support to make your life easier and what you are eligible to get. You can be referred for an assessment by:
- Crossroads Care Surrey
- your GP or other healthcare professional
- yourself
We and local NHS organisations have worked with Mobilise to create a carer-led digital community. For anyone caring for a loved one in the county it is available on an online hub.
Join the Mobilise Hub to find out more.
Mobilise offers flexible, 24/7 access to advice, support and a community of carers like yourself.
Other forms of support are available from our local carer providers identified earlier on this page.
The digital support available includes:
- an online peer community of thousands of fellow carers - with the chance to share advice and experiences through an online forum and during regular events, such as the 'virtual cuppa'
- easy-to-use, self-service tools outlining the different forms of support which carers may be entitled to, and guidance on how to navigate eligibility criteria and access various benefits
- tailor-made support guides on everything from how to balance caring with full-time work, to managing personal health and wellbeing while looking after someone else
- information on carers' rights and relevant social care law, in line with the latest government guidance
An artificial intelligence powered 'assistant' is also available to help you quickly and easily find the specific information, resources or support that you need.
Connect to Support Surrey provides online information and services to support you as a carer, including local support groups for carers.
We have also created some tips to help you prepare, know what to look for and what questions to ask when you might be considering moving a loved one to a residential or nursing care home. Have a look at our Considering a care home? Checklist.
Citizens Advice can help you with benefit applications and tell you about carer's benefits. Find your local Citizens Advice.
Find out more about the benefits you can claim as a carer from:
- Surrey Welfare Rights Unit Benefits for carers booklet
- Action for Carers Surrey for advice on benefits and payments
Information and support for unpaid carers