Help with meals for adults

If you are struggling to prepare meals for yourself, or having trouble getting to the supermarket, there are companies which can deliver hot or frozen meals to your door and supermarkets which will make deliveries. Check for meals on wheels alternative suppliers on Connect to Support Surrey.

All of the big supermarkets offer a home shopping delivery service which you can access online:

  • Sainsbury's
  • Tesco
  • Asda
  • Morrisons
  • Iceland
  • Waitrose

There are also other food companies which will deliver including:

Meals on wheels (also known as meals at home)

Meals at home, or meals on wheels are for people who are unable to cook a hot meal for themselves, and are usually elderly or disabled residents, some services offer a seven-day service, whilst some operate Monday to Friday.

Your borough or district council may be able to provide a meals on wheels service in your local area:

There may also be lunch clubs at a local community centre, that you can attend or you could look into employing someone to prepare meals for you, through a home-based care organisation.

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