Staying independent and reablement

Types of social care

Staying independent and reablement

We understand that staying independent is important for you to continue to live a happy and fulfilling life.

As your circumstances and abilities change, doing things on your own can become more difficult, but there are many ways to stay independent - both at home and when you are out and about.

If you find daily activities hard to do safely and independently, there are many types of special equipment to help. Being able to move around your home safely will help you stay well and live independently.

To find out more see Staying independent.

Short-term support - reablement

If you have been in hospital or had an illness or fall, you may need temporary care to help you get back to normal. We may be able to help you with short-term care. We call this reablement. This care could be for a couple of days or up to 6 weeks. During this time, we'll help your relearn skills and regain confidence.

We could help with things like:

  • going to bed
  • getting up
  • bathing
  • showering
  • toilet needs

When your temporary care ends, we will work with you and your family or carers to agree what happens next. If you still need support, you may need to pay for your care.

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