Supported independent living is when you live in your own home and get support from staff. It is for people who want to live on their own and need help to do so. This includes people with:
- a learning disability
- physical disability
- mental health issues
You make choices and decisions about your life. You can get practical help and support to take part in society and live an active life. You can also get help with daily living skills, like making meals, or personal care.
Supported independent living can be:
- in self-contained owner-occupied or rented housing, which might be in small schemes
- in shared housing if you need a greater level of care and support or you want to live in a group setting
- through the Shared Lives scheme. You live with carers who share their home with you long-term
You get your own assured tenancy which gives you the right to remain in your home. You can change your support provider if you want to.
Who can access supported independent living
You must have had an assessment and be eligible for support from Adult Social Care. Talk to your social worker to see if supported independent living would be right for you.
You can also search Connect to Support Surrey for details of supported independent living schemes.
The future of supported independent living in Surrey
We are committed to increasing the availability of supported independent living accommodation by 2030 through partnership work with independent partners and through the use of our own assets and resources.
The supported independent living we are currently developing will be:
- designed so that you can live your life your own way
- created with your future in mind
- within the heart of the community
- designed to support and promote your independence
Information for care and support providers
If you are a provider of care and support services and would like more information, please see Information for adult social care providers where you can find relevant information on the services we commission, the different types of contractual arrangements, and the process for becoming a provider with us.
Below are some short videos that provide you with an indication of how we plan to deliver supported independent living.
Supported independent living for people with mental health needs
Supported independent living in Surrey