Get involved in a local disability group

Including mental health, older people, carers, learning disability, autism, veterans, physical and sensory disabilities, and long term neurological conditions.

Surrey County Council often seeks to involve people who use their services in designing new services, or changing existing ones. There are a number of specific groups that meet regularly to discuss services and issues of relevance. Click on the links below to get more information about each of the groups.

Page contents


Giving Carers a Voice programme and Carer's Parliament

Action for Carers run a programme of Giving Carers a Voice consultations, as well as a Carers' Parliament, finding out from carers their views and opinions on their services and issues facing carers generally.

The Carers' Parliament is open to any carer who is registered with Action for Carers. The meetings usually look at a certain theme, allowing them to consult and develop the service in a way that carers feel is important and relevant to caring today. Each parliament has prepared activities, often a speaker, and a chance for feedback and questions and answers.

Family Voice Surrey

Family Voice Surrey champions the needs and rights of SEND families in Surrey: families with children or young adults up to the age of 25 who have special educational needs, chronic illnesses, including mental health conditions, or disabilities.

It aims to give Surrey parents a strong collective voice, a forum to share knowledge and empowerment to improve opportunities for their children.

FOCUS - Forum of carers and people who use our services

The four area FOCUS groups are for people who use Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) services and their carers giving them the opportunity to hear about what is happening in the SABP Trust and feedback their comments and/or concerns about health and social care of people with mental ill health or learning disability.

Learning disability

Valuing People Groups

We operate four Local Valuing People Groups in Surrey to ensure that people at a local level are involved and informed. These groups meet quarterly and enable everyone to have a say at a local level on what and how things can be done for those people with a learning disability. More specifically, they ensure people with a learning disability and their families have a voice and can contribute to improving their local communities.

Each of the groups feeds into Surrey's Learning Disability Partnership Board.

  • East Surrey (Reigate and Banstead and Tandridge)
  • Mid Surrey (Elmbridge, Epsom and Ewell and Mole Valley)
  • North West Surrey (Spelthorne, Runnymede and Woking)
  • South West Surrey (Surrey Heath, Guildford and Waverley)

FOCUS - Forum of carers and people who use our services

The four area FOCUS groups are for people who use Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) services and their carers giving them the opportunity to hear about what is happening in the SABP Trust and feedback their comments and/or concerns about health and social care of people with mental ill health or learning disability.

Long term neurological conditions

Long Term Neurological Conditions Group

A group for people living with long term neurological conditions such as Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Motor neurone disease and Brain Injury, and their carers. The group meets quarterly with the commissioners and services providers, together with the charities which support them.

Mental health

Forum of carers and people who use our services (FOCUS)

The four area FOCUS groups are for people who use Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) services and their carers giving them the opportunity to hear about what is happening in the SABP Trust and feedback their comments and/or concerns about health and social care of people with mental ill health or learning disability.

Surrey and North East Hampshire Independent Mental Health Network

The Surrey and North-East Hampshire Independent Mental Health Network is run by run by Surrey Coalition for people who have experienced mental ill-health, or who care for someone who has, to help improve services.

Older people

Local district and borough councils

All local district and borough councils have community services for older people and may have a local forum to join.

Physical and sensory disabilities

Disability Empowerment Network Surrey

Surrey Coalition work for the council ensuring that disabled residents have a voice by running a range of groups. The groups engage disabled residents on local social care and health matters. Getting involved in consultations and co-design of the services they receive.

Groups include:

  • Surrey Vision Action Group
  • Hard of Hearing Forum
  • Long Term Neurological Conditions Group
  • Community Equipment Group
  • Topical Focus Groups
  • Patient Transport Group
  • Campaigns Group


The Veterans' Hub Project offers veterans a way to gain advice, support and services under one roof. Also offers information on how to get involved in establishing or developing a drop-in centre.

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