If you have been paying for your own care and your funds fall below the capital limit, speak to us.
Step 1 - contact us
You may have already done a needs assessment and financial assessment. It may be that both your needs and your financial situation has changed. You should do this at least 2 months before your savings drop to the upper capital limit. The capital limits from April 2024 are:
- £23,250 or above for residential services
- £24,500 or above for care in your home
Contact us to start the conversation.
Step 2 - do a care needs and financial assessment
We will arrange to assess your care and support needs and carry out a financial assessment.
If you gave away money or capital assets to avoid paying for your care we may consider this a deprivation of assets. This will depend on:
- why you gave your money or assets away
- when you gave your money or assets away
- if you could have foreseen your need for care and support
If we decide the sole or main purpose was to reduce the amount you pay towards your care, we will take it into account. In some cases, we can ask the person you gave the money or assets to pay some or all of your care costs.
We will then work out how much you are expected to pay for your care. In some cases, the care you get may be more than we are able to pay. In these circumstances, you can either:
- find someone to make top-up payments to make up the difference
- change provider or care home