This page gives information about health and social care in Surrey to help support residents.
Page contents
- Connect to Support Surrey and the services it offers
- Advice and benefits
- Befriending and social isolation
- Carer's services and support
- Dementia support
- Health information
- Choices on care and support
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Support for people with disabilities
- Children's support
- Resources and support
Connect to Support Surrey
Connect to Support Surrey is your essential directory of care and support services in Surrey and includes:
- community groups
- help at home
- regulated care provider services
- information pages
- categories to help you find information
- save using the shortlist option
Advice and benefits
- Citizens Advice gives advice from 40 different places including help filling in benefit forms and consumer advice
- get free, confidential information and advice (Age UK Surrey) for older people, their families and carers
- get help with benefits and the payments (Action for Carers), as well as help with filling out forms. Also offers help if turned down for a benefit
- Benefits – a short guide for GPs gives the main benefits and services offered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). For GPs, but other healthcare professionals may find it useful
- MoneyHelper (formerly Money Advice Service) gives information about money matters. Includes tools and calculators to help people look after their money and pensions. Is backed by the Government
- Turn2us gives information on benefits as well as a benefits calculator
- Disability Law Service gives free legal advice and representation for disabled people
- get help completing benefit claim forms (SCOPE)
- information on how to contact JobCentre Plus
Befriending and social isolation
- stay connected with check-in and chat calls (Age UK Surrey)
- fight isolation with Action for Carers support groups which are for all carers. Run specialist groups including looking after someone with dementia, or someone with an eating disorder
- find groups and services that can offer help with coping with stress and isolation at home on Connect to Support Surrey
- find wellbeing support services on Healthy Surrey Virtual Wellbeing Hub
- Social prescribing helps people find out about local services and activities to help their health and wellbeing in their local community
- many Good Neighbour Schemes offer a visiting service
- Friends of the Elderly - Phoning Friends have a telephone befriending service for anyone aged 60 years and over
- Silver Line is a confidential, free helpline for older people in the UK. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year
- Re-engage supports older people who live alone and find it difficult to go out
- Independent Age give face-to-face or telephone befriending support to residents who are lonely or isolated
Carer's services and support
- Action for Carers Surrey gives free, independent information, advice, and support to all carers in Surrey
- Surrey Young Carers have support and activities to provide time out from caring. Also have intensive groups and one to one help
- Surrey County Council has help for people who look after a family member, partner or friend without pay because they:
- are ill
- are frail
- have a disability
- if someone is ill, frail or has a disability, they can ask for a carer's assessment to look at their own support needs. Ask for one by filling in the online self-assessment form
- use Connect to Support Surrey for:
- local carers information and support groups
- getting out and having a break
- looking after someone
- things to do
- end of life care
- Carers UK is a national organisation offering information, advice and support to carers
- Carers UK - Digital Resources for Carers has digital products and online resources to help organisations give information and support to carers. Use the Surrey Free Access Code for the digital resources: DGTL3562
- Crossroads Care Surrey working with us and the NHS has a range of support for carers who might need a break, time for themselves, enjoy a hobby or just a chat with other carers
Dementia support
- Dementia support services (Alzheimer's Society) has telephone, face to face and online free, personalised dementia help on:
- understanding dementia
- coping techniques
- finding local support groups
- advice on Lasting Power of Attorney
- leading dementia charity Alzheimer's Society gives support and advice
- find local day centres, activities and support options for people with dementia on Connect to Support Surrey
- information on support for people with dementia from us
- Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust supports research into dementia
- Action for Carers offers information and support for dementia carers
- Dementia First has day care services in East Surrey for people with dementia plus an information and support service for carers and their family
Health information
- Healthy Surrey has public health information that can help improve health and wellbeing. Also has relevant seasonal information to help professionals
- Connect to Support Surrey has information on local groups, organisations and services including:
- cancer
- stroke
- multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson's disease
- Social prescribing helps people find out services and activities to help their health and wellbeing in their local community.
- Active Surrey helps people to:
- move more
- improve their own wellbeing
- thrive as an active community
- gives suggestions on sports and physical activities to improve health and wellbeing
- there are 2 clinically-led statutory NHS bodies, called Integrated Care Systems (ICS). They are partnerships of organisations that together plan and deliver joined up health and care services to improve the lives of people in their area
- Surrey Heartlands ICS covers:
- East Surrey
- Guildford and Waverley
- North West Surrey
- Surrey Downs
- Frimley ICS covers:
- Surrey Heath
- Farnham
- North East Hampshire
- East Berkshire
- Surrey Heartlands ICS covers:
- the NHS has information and advice on:
- health conditions and symptoms
- healthy living
- medicines
- how to get help
- information on local GPs, pharmacists, opticians and dentists
- Surrey Stroke Recovery Service has emotional support and information following a stroke to stroke survivors, carers, and family members
- Patient has trusted clinical information, written and reviewed by a wide network of doctors and healthcare professionals, to help people feel better and live longer
Choices on care and support
The following are resources to help residents understand the options available to them.
- the Surrey Care Services Directory gives online comprehensive, searchable guide to adult care services and related information in Surrey
- Connect to Support Surrey has information on:
- residential care homes
- nursing homes
- home based care agencies
- information and support on managing independently at home
- Healthy Surrey has public health information that can help improve health and wellbeing. Also has relevant seasonal information for professionals.
Mental health and wellbeing
- Healthy Surrey has:
- emotional health and mental wellbeing tools and services, including Talking Therapies
- Connect to Support Surrey provides information on:
- mental health services, groups and organisations in Surrey including:
- crisis support
- support groups
- there is 1 NHS mental health trust in Surrey. Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) SABP offers support to improve the mental health of local residents. Services include eating disorders, drug and alcohol and mental health
- Surrey and Borders Partnership (SABP) run a 24 hour crisis helpline
- Safe Havens provide a mental health crisis drop-in for you or your carer
- the First Steps Guide is for anyone aged 18 years and above and wanting to take the first steps to improve mental wellbeing for themselves, their friends or family members. Has a:
- range of advice, information and self help techniques
- brief information on common emotional and mental health issues
- details of local and national organisations that provide support
- the Stay Alive App is a pocket suicide prevention app with information to help people stay safe. Useful if someone is having suicide thoughts or if there is a concern someone may be considering suicide
- a free, unique mental health awareness app is available for armed forces veterans to download
- Community Connections Surrey has three main providers who give support and activities for people needing help with their mental wellbeing
- Sane gives emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental health through a:
- helpline
- text care
- online support forum
- Shout is the UK's first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere
- Rethink helps people affected by mental illness through a network of local groups and services
- Mind gives advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem
- the Mental Health Foundation helps people understand, protect, and sustain their mental health
- Hoarding UK helps people affected by hoarding behaviours
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Action gives support and information to anybody affected by OCD
- Support after Suicide Partnership is a co-ordinating hub for a UK-wide network of over 70 organisations, helping people who have been bereaved or affected by suicide
- No Panic helps people who suffer from:
- panic attacks
- phobias
- obsessive compulsive disorders
- and other related anxiety disorders including people who are trying to give up tranquillizers
- Mental Health and Money Advice gives support for both mental health and financial problems
Support for people with disabilities
- Connect to Support Surrey offers information on services and groups to:support adults with:
- learning disabilities
- Autism
- physical disability
- deaf or hard of hearing
- visual impairments
- long term conditions
- We have practical support for people with disabilities including:
- learning disabilities
- autism
- physical disability
- deaf or hard of hearing
- visual impairments
- long term conditions
- Sight for Surrey offers a lifetime of support for people who are blind or partially sighted, deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing
- Surrey Coalition of Disabled People campaigns and promotes the rights of disabled people to equality of opportunity and to live independently
- disabled people lead and run Surrey Independent Living Charity (SILC). Gives a range of services to help people live independently, whether someone receives support from the council, NHS or fund their own care
- the Surrey Learning Disability Partnership Board and Autism Partnership Boards work together so that people with a learning disability and/or autism:
- can have a voice
- be safe
- be informed
- remain healthy
- confident as part of their community
- The Learning Disability and Autism Hub has health related information including:
- easy read template appointment letters
- autism factsheets
- Mencap gives advice and support to people with a learning disability, their families and carers
- a range of support services are given by Surrey Choices to improve the independence, confidence and life skills of people with a range of disabilities and support needs, whatever their age, in their local community
Children's support
- the Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPA) gives residents and people who work with children in Surrey with direct information, advice and guidance about where and how to find the appropriate support for children and families
- Special Educational Needs (SEND) Local Offer gives information and services for young people in Surrey with special educational needs and disabilities, their families, and professionals
- the Family Information Service gives impartial information for families with children aged 0 to 19 (up to 25 for young people with a disability or special education need)
Resources and support
- explore these pages to find details of safeguarding resources and information for health and social care professionals and providers
- Patient Information Forum is a UK membership organisation and network for people working in, and involved with, healthcare information and support
- A wide range of materials to deliver public health marketing campaigns at a local level is offered by Public Health England Campaign Resource Centre
- Surrey-i has data from stakeholders across Surrey, made accessible to start-ups, citizens, and communities. Start-ups, residents and communities can use data from Surrey-i
- Surrey has a 2 tier system of local government. The county council, and the 11 district and borough councils. Local councils offer preventative community support services to help people stay independent, safe and well
- search our online equipment catalogue for ideas to help you stay well and independent at home