Residential and nursing care new provider application

Page contents

Market Position Statement (MPS) and future demand modelling

Our MPS looks at the residential and nursing care market for older people (over 65). It is key to making sure that our residents have a choice of different types of services and support.

See Older People Residential and Nursing Care - Market Positioning Statement (PDF).

We produced our older people's commissioning strategy with:

  • older Surrey residents
  • their support networks

It outlines how we plan to make Surrey a place where people can make the most of their old age.

See Living Well in Later Life Older People's Commissioning Strategy 2021 to 2030.

Care home provider checklist for residents

We must make sure that anyone who moves into a care home:

  • understands the financial arrangements
  • gets clear and consistent information and advice on long-term care and costs

We want to work with all local care providers to make sure this happens. This information should be available for:

  • anyone thinking about moving into a care home
  • their family members
  • their representatives

See Care home provider checklist for new residents (PDF).

We have also developed a checklist for people who are looking for a care home.

See Considering a care home? Checklist.

Applying to the residential and nursing care contract

We opened the residential and nursing care contract in July 2022. You must apply through this contract to offer residential and nursing care for older people in Surrey. It will run for 6 years, and we may extend for 10 years.

It's a joint contract between:

  • Surrey County Council and
  • NHS Surrey Heartlands who also host continuing healthcare (CHC) for Frimley Integrated Commissioning Board (Surrey Heath and Farnham only)

It offers longer-term arrangements with care providers to:

  • develop better relationships and communication channels
  • maintain good sustainable services for residents
  • help manage costs and capacity in the market

We use a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). New providers can apply to join throughout the contract's term.

Current lots

There are different lots included within the contract. The following lots are open to providers:

Lot 1: Adult Social Care (ASC) residential care with or without nursing

  • older people only
  • includes long and short-term placements for ASC

Lot 2: CHC nursing care

  • older people or end of life fast track only
  • includes long and short-term placements for CHC

Lot 3: Discharge to recover and assess

  • older people only
  • for placements up to 4 weeks
  • therapeutic input for people who are being discharged from hospital into a care home
  • may be with or without Funded Nursing Care (FCN) funding in place

Lot 6: Older people residential care with or without nursing blocks

  • older people only
  • for blocks of long and short-term placements
  • for people with eligible social care or CHC needs
  • may be with or without FCN funding in place

Successful applicants for Lots 3 and 6 will become approved providers. Commissioners and health partners can arrange block placements through a mini-competition based on:

  • suitability
  • quality
  • location
  • price

How to apply to current lots

  1. Register and login to Proactis, our tender platform.
  2. Search for the contract reference RFX1000114.
  3. Follow the instructions on the platform.

Future lots

In future, providers on the DPS will be able to help us shape and tender for these services:

Lot 4: Residential care with or without nursing

  • Placeholder, adults aged 18 to 65 for ASC and CHC only

Lot 5: Residential care with or without nursing

  • Placeholder, learning disability for ASC and CHC only

Terms and conditions

See Purchasing terms and conditions

Residential and nursing care costs

We commissioned Care Analytics to help us understand the cost of care in the local market. They looked at the cost of placements we make in Surrey. We used this research to inform our cost modelling approach.

See Surrey residential and nursing care for older people cost modelling approach.

We produce guide rates and uplift approach for each financial year.

See 2024 to 2025 Inflationary price uplifts for care providers.

Provider drop-in sessions

We hold monthly drop-ins for residential and nursing care older people's providers. You can:

  • stay up to date on any changes in policy
  • raise any concerns with our senior officers and health partners
  • network and discuss issues, find better ways of working and enable better collaboration

If you would like to come along email


If you have questions about residential and nursing care email

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