Teacher Encounters - Surrey Careers Hub

As an employer, you can connect with teachers through webinars, networking sessions, and workplace visits to support education providers in teaching the skills needed for young people to thrive in your industry.

[Register your interest here]

What is a teacher encounter?

Teacher encounters give teachers the opportunity to connect with local employers. This engagement allows schools and colleges to explore diverse career pathways and to observe how each subject is applied practically in business.

The valuable insights gained from Teacher Encounters enable teachers to enrich their curriculum, helping their students build a deeper understanding of opportunities, connections between learning and industry, and the essential skills that need to be honed for different roles.

We know there are many different routes into employment, particularly technical and vocational options like apprenticeships. Teacher Encounters equip and empower educators to effectively guide all students to take their best next step.

Teacher encounters can be tailored to suit the employer and the school and can range from two-hour sessions to multiple-day programmes in either face-to-face, virtual, or hybrid formats. They can involve a single teacher or multiple colleagues.

I'm an employer – what's in it for me?

Inviting teachers into your workplace for a few hours, a few days, or even longer benefits your business, teachers, and, importantly, the young people who will make up the workforce of the future.

Teacher encounters boost employers' confidence in working with teachers, schools, and young people and, in turn, improve teachers' confidence in having influential, careers-related conversations with their students.

91% of employers taking part found teacher encounters beneficial to their business, with 96% of employers saying they are now keen to engage with teachers more frequently.

(Report by The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) evaluating the teacher encounters initiative)

Community engagement: Supports a deeper and more impactful engagement with your local community and future talent pipeline.

Talent pipeline: Builds and strengthens the talent pipeline for future recruitment needs.

Workforce inspiration: Allows employers to inspire and influence the future workforce.

Educator influence: Provides an opportunity to support the influence of educators on young people's decision-making.

Skills gap development: With your support, teachers can identify and teach the essential skills required for different roles. 97% said it helped them explain their future skills needs to teachers and young people.

Flexible formats: Ranging from a few hours to multiple days and virtual or in-person sessions, there's a teacher encounter to suit every employer.

The Careers and Enterprise's handy modelling tool can help you to explore the different types of teacher encounters you could host.

Register your interest

Invite teachers into your workplace with teacher encounters; let's support the workforce of the future.

Employers, register your interest by emailing Careers. Hub@surreycc.gov.uk with your name, business address, and location.

Teachers, register your interest here, view events in the local area, or sign up to Careers Courier to hear about events in your local area,


A meaningful teacher encounter with employers/employees is one in which teachers/staff can develop their knowledge and understanding of sectors, careers, and routes available to students at key transitions.

The CEC has developed these resources to support the development of those opportunities.

Teacher Encounters in Surrey

[Case studies / stories go here]

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