Schools and colleges - Surrey Careers Hub

Together with the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), we work with school leaders, governors, and career leaders to build modern, 21st-century careers education programmes.

From training programmes to resources, advice, and support, we're here to help.

Learn more about our support and how you can access it no matter your role within your school.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks define what world-class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision at your school or college.

Resources for Careers Leaders

We provide free resources, training, and tools to support all Careers Leaders in their role.

Education Leaders

We provide free resources, training, and tools to support all Education Leaders in their role.

Careers Link Governors

Careers Link Governors play a crucial role in supporting their schools to help young people find their best next step out of education and into the world of work.

They support their school/college at a strategic level, ensuring that the facility meets their legal requirements and equips students with the tools and knowledge to make informed choices about their futures.


Access the Surrey Careers Hub resources for schools, volunteers, and employers to support you in delivering consistent, high-quality careers programmes.

Local news and events

Stay up to date with the latest news from the Surrey Careers Hub and find out about exciting events in your local area.

Labour Market Information

Use our Labour Market Information (LMI) as a valuable tool to help research the demand for future jobs in Surrey and understand the skills needed for various roles.

The Surrey County Council Skills Plan forms the strategic basis for delivering skills priorities in Surrey. This is a plan for all of Surrey's businesses, skills providers, and people. It contains skills sector data and Labout Market Iinformation (LMI).

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