Feed hygiene requirements

The Feed Hygiene Regulation (183/2005) came into force in January 2006, replacing previous legislation on the approval and registration of feed businesses, and applies to all businesses that make, use or market animal feed. This includes most livestock farms; arable farms that grow, use or sell crops for feed use, and fish farms.

Some activities do not have to be registered, and details of these can be found on the Gov.uk: Animal feed business registration website.

Farmers, as primary producers, have to follow basic hygiene procedures in relation to the feed they use or grow and ensure that hazards are properly controlled. These include measures to:

  • Prevent the contamination and spoilage of feed.
  • Clean equipment used for mixing, storing or transporting feed.
  • Maintain records of feed used or sold.

An information note on the records to be kept can be found on the Food Standards Agency website under: Feed Hygiene Regulation: information for farmers

There is also a code on feeding food producing animals that livestock farmers have to follow.

All of this is designed to help ensure that feed provided to animals is safe and that feed products can be traced in the event of a safety incident. It complements the requirements that apply to the production of food as set out in the Food Hygiene Regulations.

For more information and guidance, including details of how to register your feed business, please see the Food Standards Agency and Gov.uk website as follows:

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