What is the Corporate Parenting Board?
The Corporate Parenting Board (CPB) provides robust assurance of the whole corporate parenting system, ensuring Surrey is an outstanding corporate parent to its children; and that all looked after children and care leavers can achieve their full potential in life.
Surrey CPB puts looked after children and care leavers at the heart of everything we do. Members will inquire and understand, set ambition, champion and challenge our collective care of looked after children and care leavers. It is strategic, forward thinking, informed by our experts, practitioners, children and carers, and has high expectations for the quality and experience of support and services children and carers receive.
The foundation of our work across our system is the Corporate Parenting Strategy (PDF), Sufficiency Strategy and pledge commitments we make to looked after children and care leavers about how we will care for and support them.
The CPB holds six themed meetings per year, in accordance with the Forward Plan. Annual progress and achievements of the board are reported to full council, along with an update of the board's many sponsored programmes and projects.
Nine county councillors (Cllr) are members of the CPB:
- Cllr. Clare Curran Cabinet Lead for Education and Learning and Children and Families (chair of the Board)
- Cllr. Jonathon Essex
- Cllr. Catherine Powell
- Cllr. Maureen Attewell
- Cllr. Steve Bax
- Cllr. John Robini
- Cllr. Saj Hussain
- Cllr. Rachael Lake
- Cllr. Robert Hughes
Officer membership of the CPB:
- Demi Hogan - Care experienced apprentice and Co-Chair (currently on maternity leave)
- Lois Miller - Care experienced Co-Chair
- Jane Porter - Chair of Foster Carer Association
- Cindy Morris - Care Experienced Foster Carer
- Rachael Wardell - Executive Director
- Tina Benjamin - Director - Corporate Parenting
- Jo Rabbitte - Assistant Director - Children's Resources
- Anwen Foy - Headteacher - Surrey Virtual School
- Sam Reynolds - User Voice and Participation
- Lisa Andrews - Principal Health Lead
- Sharon Kefford - Designated doctor
- Sam Morris - Vice Chair of Foster Carer Association
Contact details:
Karen Basmajian - Corporate Parenting Project Manager
- E-mail: corporateparentingboard@surreycc.gov.uk
- Phone: 07816 095680
- Address: Quadrant Court, 35 Guildford Rd, Woking, GU22, 7QQ
What does our Corporate Parenting Strategy 2023 to 2025 cover?
- It sets out our vision and high aspirations for our children
- It shows how we plan to achieve our objectives
- It explains how we will fulfil our corporate parenting responsibilities to all our children and young people in care and care leavers
For a copy of our refreshed 2023 to 2025 corporate parenting strategy and our corporate parenting interim update Autumn 2024, please see PDF documents below:
Our legislation
- Corporate Parenting Duties, Children & Social Work Act 2017
- Children Act 1989
- Children Leaving Care Act 2000
Files available to download
Corporate Parenting Strategy 2023 to 2025 (PDF)
The strategy and pledge promises set out Surrey County Council's aims and ambitions for children and young people in our care. -
Corporate Parenting Strategy - Interim Update Autumn 2024 (PDF)
The autumn 2024 report provides an update on progress in delivery of the strategy and must be read in conjunction with the original corporate parenting strategy