Funded childcare parent portal

What is the Funded Childcare Parent Portal?

The Funded Childcare Parent Portal is an online system where parents, carers or someone helping a family, can apply for funded childcare for two-year-olds. Separate to the working parent's entitlement.

The first time you go into the portal, you'll create a Surrey account with a login which means that you'll be able to view messages and update details whenever you need to.

Make an application here

Once you have completed and submitted your application, we will use this information to check with the appropriate government departments (HM Revenue and Customs, Department for Work and Pensions, and Home Office) as allowed by law, to confirm your eligibility for Funded early education for two year olds (FEET).

If your application is approved, we will then create a record of your application in the Funded Early Education Portal which your chosen childcare provider can then use to make a claim for the funding.

All the information you share with us is stored electronically in a secure database in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. Your information will not be used for any other purpose than to check eligibility for FEET, unless you have given us your consent to check your eligibility for Early Years Pupil Premium when your child turns three-years-old.

To find out more about how we use your personal data, who it may be shared with and how to remove your consent to use your personal data at any time, please see the Early Years Funding Privacy Notice at the bottom of this web page.

Applying for 15 hours of funded childcare a week for a two-year-old

When your child turns two, they may be eligible for 15 hours of funded childcare per week for up to 570 hours per year. Find out if they are by checking the criteria on our Funded early education for two year olds (FEET) web page.

If you think your child qualifies, you can apply online using the portal.

Please note: The earliest you can apply for a funded childcare place for your two-year-old is the term your child turns two.

When you go into the portal you'll need to know:

  • you and your child's details (name and address and contact)
  • your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Seekers Number
  • which criteria to tick (you can find the criteria on the Funded early education for two year olds (FEET) webpage).

You might be asked to send through more information, but you'll get messages in the portal with exactly what's needed, once you've created an account and added your details.

If you're helping a family to apply for 15 hours of funded childcare for their two year old you'll also need to add your details as well as those listed above.

If you have a two year old and you qualify for 15 hours of funded childcare a week, you'll receive a message to let you know about your FEET ID number. To check the progress of your application and view any messages, just log back into the portal at any time.

Once you've chosen what type of childcare you want you need to take your FEET ID number to your chosen childcare provider. You'll find details of childcare providers who offer FEET in Surrey on our Childcare Finder. When you visit your chosen FEET childcare provider, make sure that they confirm an offer of a place, this could be verbal or written.

Make an application here

Early Years Funding Privacy Notice

Communications with the local authority (including online transactions) may be subject to monitoring and recording only for purposes permitted by the Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000 in order to prevent or detect a crime or investigate or detect the unauthorised use of the service.

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