
We always want to improve the services we provide and the information available on our Local Offer website. This section of our website provides details of some of the feedback you have provided about our services, teams and processes as well compiling feedback about the Local Offer and describing ways to share your views.

Page contents

Feedback about the Local Offer

Help to improve the Local Offer website for families and those supporting families, children and young people with additional needs and disabilities in Surrey. Read about past feedback received about the Local Offer and action we've taken as a result.

We have provided below, some recent actions taken in response to your feedback.

You Said We Did

"No content dedicated to early years and the support available", comment made during 2023 Local Offer Survey.

We have created a page called Support for your child in Early Years.

It would be helpful to know what support is available during the exam period.

We have created a page called Exam Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration.

Young carers would like to know what support is available in their local community

We have created a page called Support and activities for young carers.

We will publish your anonymous feedback on a yearly basis, along with what we did to fix any problems you raised.

Past feedback about the Local Offer

If you wish to receive a copy of annual feedback compiled prior to 2023, please contact us

Parent Carer User Group

This group is for parents and carers to give their opinion about the information and advice available on our Local Offer website. So that we can improve access to SEND services in Surrey.

The Parent Carer User Group will meet twice each school term (online/ virtual meeting). They give feedback on existing content and help develop future content from the view of a parent/ carer.

You do not have to be available for every session to join the user group, or even commit to attending sessions at all. We occasionally send out questionnaires, user testing exercises and other ways to get involved outside of the group sessions.

SEND Practitioner User Group

Do you work with children/ young people with additional needs or disability in Surrey? Join our Local Offer website SEND Practitioner user group to help improve the Local Offer website as a resource for SEND practitioners.

The practitioner group will meet online each half term. They discuss how the Local Offer website can support work happening in Surrey and developments locally and nationally in SEND provision for children and young people.

There is no fixed time commitment or obligation to attend all sessions. Sessions will be held via Teams. We sometimes send questionnaires, user testing exercises and other ways to get involved outside of the group sessions.

We always want to improve the information available on our website. If you feel there is something missing, or you cannot find what you were looking for, tell us by using the green feedback or was the page helpful widgets or contact us directly.

Ways to share your views

  • Surrey Youth Voice is a partnership between Surrey's young people and the User Voice and Participation Team. They often ask for feedback from young people, including via ATLAS a group specifically for those with additional needs and disabilities.
  • Family Voice Surrey, often ask parent/carers to feedback about their experiences. They have a monthly 'You Said We Did' webpage, where they publish the responses from Surrey County Council have given to questions parent/carers questions have asked.
  • Most consultations published by Surrey County Council are available on the Surrey Says website.
  • You can read an All Age Autism Strategy update from November 2024. The update also gives you a chance to share your views.

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