In Surrey, there are many sources of help and support available for children and young people who are experiencing social, emotional or mental health difficulties.
- Universal services are available to all children and young people.
- Targeted services are only available by a referral and usually some kind of assessment
- Specialist services are only for children and young people with a specialist plan, such as an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan.
This page gives an overview of some of Surrey's behaviour and emotional wellbeing services, to help families understand the support available, and to assist education settings and other practitioners in their planning.
If you are unable to find a suitable service in the options below, you may like to use our Directory or contact us to help you find one.
Universal Services
The following services are available to all children and young people.
- GP Surgeries
- Health Visitors
- Midwives
- Occupational Therapy Service (Children and Family Health Surrey)
- School Nurses
- Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
- Surrey Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Universal
- Surrey Online School
- The Inclusion Service (formerly the Education Welfare Service)
Targeted services
The following services are only available by a referral and usually some kind of assessment.
- Action for Carers: Surrey Young Carers Service
- Assessment Consultation Therapy (ACT) Team
- Autism Outreach
- Children and Family Health Surrey Physiotherapy
- Cygnet Programme (Autism)
- Henry
- MindWorks Surrey
- Occupational Therapy Service (Children and Family Health Surrey)
- Portage Early Education Support Service
- School Nurses
- Specialist Teachers
- Surrey Against Domestic Abuse
- Surrey Educational Psychology Service
- Surrey Speech and Language Therapy (Targeted)
- Surrey Online School
- Surrey Transitions Team
- The Inclusion Service (formerly the Education Welfare Service)
- U-Explore
- Voluntary Sector Providers
Specialist Services
The following services are only for children and young people with a specialist plan, such as an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan.
- Access to Education (A2E)
- Assessment Consultation Therapy (ACT) Team
- Autism Outreach
- Children and Family Health Surrey Physiotherapy
- Cygnet Programme (Autism)
- Direct Payments
- The Hope Service
- Occupational Therapy Service (Children and Family Health Surrey)
- Portage Early Education Support Service
- School Nurses
- Surrey Early Support Service
- Surrey Against Domestic Abuse
- Surrey Educational Psychology Service
- Surrey Online School
- The Inclusion Service (formerly the Education Welfare Service)
Related services
You may also find the following services useful.