Childcare providers have a legal duty to offer extra support to meet the needs of a child with a disability under the Equality Act 2010. This might include installing a ramp to allow wheelchair access to their premises, or training staff to use special equipment.
They are not allowed to treat a child less favourably because of their disability and must make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of children with SEND. They cannot charge more for a disabled child to attend their setting.
They must also take into account the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice, which requires them to meet the needs of children with special educational needs.
Most providers will have a nominated special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) on their staff, who will be able to discuss the provision available for you and your child.
They will also be able to apply to Surrey County Council to access additional support and funding to help pay for extra staff, training or resources that have been identified as necessary to allow your child to attend their setting.
Questions to ask your childcare provider
When you're visiting a childcare provider, you'll probably have your own questions, but you might find our suggestions below a helpful starting point.
- What qualifications and/or training do the staff have, and will these be suitable for your child's needs?
- Does your child need extra help and are the staff willing for you (and/or a health professional if appropriate) to show them what they need to do?
- Is the building accessible? Are physical adaptations needed to the building?
- What equipment will be essential in order for your child to go to the provider?
- Are staff happy to be shown how to give your child their medicine? Do they have the relevant insurance?
- Does your child have therapy or appointments that they need to go to in the time they will be cared for, and can the childcare provider take your child to these appointments?
Help with childcare costs
There are a number of options available to help parents with paying for childcare and family finances.
You can also use the benefits calculator to make sure you are getting all the support you are entitled to.
Direct payments may be made by social care after an assessment of need has been carried out. This can be used to pay for services and equipment personally, instead of having them arranged by your local authority.
Family Fund give grants to lower-income families with severely disabled children aged 17 or under to help pay for things to make life easier and more enjoyable. This can include holidays, washing machines, driving lessons, computers and hospital visiting.
Help with transport
Surrey will usually only consider applications for travel assistance for children who already have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.
For more information about travel assistance for children with an EHC plan, please see the Travel assistance page.
If your child does not have an EHC plan, you may still be able to receive travel assistance in some situations.
To find out more about who can apply for travel assistance in Surrey, please see the transport to school page on the Surrey County Council website.
Further reading
You can find further information on finding and paying for childcare on the childcare section of the Family Information Service website.