Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support policy

Alternative provision information

The information below is about Surrey County Council's Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support Strategy (PDF). This is a strategy document that sets out Surrey County Council's vision and intentions for delivering alternation provision and reintegration support, in collaboration with local schools and health services.

For general information about alternative provision in Surrey please see, the Education Provision for children with additional needs and disabilities page.

Some children in Surrey, particularly those at risk of exclusion and those missing education, may need extra support to access education or education delivered in a different way. This support is usually provided for a short specific period before a child is reintegrated to school.

You can find out about Alternative Provision in Surrey on the Surrey County Council website: Alternative Provision (AP): Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support.

Surrey Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support Strategy

The Surrey Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support Strategy (PDF) was first published in 2021 and after collaboration with education professionals and students was revised in July 2023. It sets out Surrey County Council's ambitions and policy for Alternative Provision within the county, including the benchmarks that will be used to evaluate AP in Surrey within a national context.

Education Act Section 19 statement of duties for Surrey County Council

Section 19 says that it is the duty of the local authority to 'make arrangements for the provision of suitable education to children of compulsory school age who, by reason of illness, exclusion from school, or otherwise, may not receive suitable education unless such arrangements are made for them.

Read Surrey County Council's Section 19 statement of duties on the Surrey County Council website.

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