Post-16 education and training

If you live in England, you can leave school on the last Friday in June if you'll be 16 by the end of the summer holidays.

You must then do one of the following until you're 18:

  • stay in full-time education, for example at a college
  • start an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training

If you stay in full-time education, even if you change schools or go on to a sixth form college you can still receive support for additional needs or disabilities.

If you have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan it will continue until you are 25 unless:

  • You leave education to start paid work
  • You progress to a level 4 (undergraduate degree level) course at college or university
  • You leave education and no longer wish to return.

The local authority (Surrey County Council) can decide to end the EHC plan if you no longer have special educational needs or you decide not to stay in education or training. If you only have health or social care needs but no longer have special educational needs your EHC plan will end.

The pages below give information about moving from school to college or further training, as well as information about colleges and other post-16 education providers in Surrey. The Preparing for Adulthood booklet also has useful information about education and training options for young people with additional needs.

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