When you come into our care we will draw up a personal education plan and a health plan to help you succeed in education and stay healthy.
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Your education
Your carer, social worker, and your teachers all know how important education is for you and they will explore whatever help and support you need. All children and young people, between the ages of 4 and 19, who are in the care of Surrey County Council automatically become part of Surrey's Virtual School.
Similar to your Looked After Child review meetings, you also have meetings to talk and plan for your education. This is called a Personal Educational Plan (PEP) meeting.
We know you will have many different adults involved in your life just now putting together lots of paperwork, but your PEP is a really important document that will highlight not only all your successes, but also the things you might find difficult - with solutions to help you, this is something the Surrey Virtual School support with.
You should be a part of any conversations about your PEP, so that you get the right support and so that your views are heard. As you get older you should consider 'chairing' your own PEP meetings. Whatever happens, you should try and go to these meetings, they really will make a difference for you!
Find out more about how the Surrey Virtual School can support you with your education.
Your health
Being healthy does not just mean eating lots of vegetables and not being sick. It's keeping your teeth clean, regular eye tests, keeping your immunisations up to date. When you become looked after, you will have what is called a "Health Assessment" by a Doctor or the Nurse. Your social worker will help you to keep well and stay healthy by making sure you see a Doctor, Dentist and Optician regularly.
Your Health Assessment should happen before your first Looked After Child Review. Remember you can also ask for advice or talk about any health worries with the Looked After Children's Nurse. You do have a right to refuse any part of the health assessment. With your co-operation the Nurse draws up a health plan for you. This is an opportunity to discuss any health concerns you have. You may also want to discuss problems at home or school, or friendships and relationships which may be affecting your health and wellbeing.
Your health plan
When you come into care your social worker will create a health plan for you, after a doctor or nurse has undertaken a health assessment, based on your medical information, and discussions with you and your family. The plan will say what you need to take best care of yourself and can include things like dental treatment and eye tests as well as help for any illnesses or disabilities you have or anything that might be upsetting you.
Your health plan – as part of your overall care plan – should be reviewed regularly and changes discussed at your review meeting. For children under five, it's updated every six months and for those over five it's updated every twelve months.
Leisure offer for looked after children and care leavers
If you are a Surrey looked after child or care leaver in Surrey, the leisure for looked after children and care leavers gives you some brilliant opportunities to look after your physical health and emotional wellbeing. The offer includes:
- Free gym membership
- Free swimming access at all times
- 50% concession on classes and bookable activities
To find out more, speak to your social worker or you can email leisure.offer@surreycc.gov.uk.
Surrey Boxing Scheme
If you are aged between 12 to 25 years and interested in boxing, did you know Boxing England are funding free Boxing membership at affiliated clubs across the country. Speak to your social worker who can email leisure.offer@surreycc.gov.uk to make an application on your behalf.
The boxing scheme can give you:
- Free three months membership at a local boxing club in England
- A further three-months membership and funding to purchase some boxing kit