Your Care – Have Your Say survey

Your Care - Have Your Say 2024


Over the past few years, the User Voice and Participation team (also known as Surrey Youth Voice) have created lots of individual surveys to gather the views of care-experienced children and young people. The feedback from these surveys is shared with Surrey's Corporate Parenting Board (CPB), to make sure young people who are currently in care, and those who have left care, have their voice heard in services, making positive service change.

Why are we doing this survey?

Your care matters to us - we want to get your views on lots of different things so we can support you in the best way possible while you are in care and when you have left care! In the past we have done monthly surveys on a different topic each time which you told us was a bit too often. Moving forward, we have decided to do one big survey a year instead.

This survey has been co-produced with care experienced young people who worked with us to design the questions to ensure that we are asking the right things about the following key themes:

  • Safe and stable homes.
  • Safeguarding.
  • Education, employment and training.
  • Health and well-being.
  • Leisure, skills and preparing for independence,
  • Sharing your views

Have your say and complete this survey now

What's in it for you?

We will be sharing the results of the survey with our Corporate Parenting Board who will be making sure that your views are taken seriously, and positive changes are made as a result. The feedback you share with us in this survey will then help to make a positive change to the services you are using. When the survey closes later this year, we will produce a report written for young people showing the results and some of the key themes we will then take forward to senior leadership.

Also, if you take part in the survey before it closes, you could also have the chance of winning an Amazon voucher, we have 34 prizes available (terms and conditions apply).

Please note: this survey will close at midnight on Sunday 29 September 2024.

If you have any questions about the survey please contact

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