Rural England Prosperity Fund case study - Gray’s Gelato ice cream equipment

Gray's Gelato received a Rural Surrey LEADER grant to purchase gelato manufacturing equipment, storage and a van to allow direct sales from the farm and deliveries to local stockists.

As one of Surrey's dwindling number of dairy farms, Goldstone Farm identified an opportunity to increase revenue from the creamy Ayrshire milk produced on the farm. The farm has now diversified into producing high quality gelato, using ingredients from the farm, from the surrounding Surrey Hills and from other small producers. Rural Surrey

LEADER funding was used to purchase the equipment for the manufacture and storage of this gelato as well as a freezer van to allow for direct sales from the farm and for deliveries to local stockists and outlets.

The gelato production is now in full swing and can be found in outlets across rural Surrey including Polesden Lacey Farm Shop. It features some fabulous seasonal flavours as well as the more traditional ones. Gray's Dairy also makes gelato cakes and party tubs for special celebrations. The Rural Surrey LEADER grant has helped to secure the future of the dairy farm.

Project costs, grant awarded, and job created

  • On-farm gelato production unit
  • Total project cost £55,313
  • Grant awarded: £22,125.26
  • Jobs created: 0.45 FTE

Are you eligible for a Rural England Prosperity Fund grant for your project?

Inspired? Would your project be eligible for a Rural England Prosperity Fund grant? Could you get up to £50,000 and up to 50% of your capital costs with Rural England Prosperity Fund grant? Find out about the Rural England Prosperity Fund.

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