Green careers - Facts and statistics

In Surrey, there are all sorts of amazing jobs that help save the planet! Imagine working in a job which helps to create clean energy, or one working behind the scenes in conservation projects, or maybe even hands on jobs out in the Surrey countryside.

Whether you're just beginning your career journey or already settled in, there are chances for you to use your skills to fight climate change.

SectorWhat is thisEstimated number of
green jobs in Surrey (2022)
Reduce, reuse, recycle and repairIncluding waste management (diversion from landfills) and circular economy.6,978
PowerIncluding renewables (such as wind, solar and hydropower), nuclear power, grid infrastructure, energy storage and smart systems technology.5,441
Homes and buildingsIncluding retrofit, building new energy-efficient homes, heat pumps, smart devices and controls, heat networks and hydrogen boilers.2,766
Climate adaptationIncluding flood defences, retrofitting of buildings to be resilient to extreme weather and climate events, nature-based solutions to reduce climate impacts and civil and mechanical engineering for infrastructure adaptation.2,623
Industrial decarbonisationIncluding helping industrial settings to improve energy efficiency, hydrogen production for industrial use, electrification of industrial processes and carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS).2,159
Green financial, professional and research servicesIncluding climate change research and development, supporting businesses with climate change strategies and policies, monitoring and reducing localised pollution such as air and water.927
Low carbon transportIncluding low or zero emission vehicles, aviation, maritime, rail and road; public transport, walking and cycling.247
Natural environmentActivities that enhance the natural environment, often reducing carbon generation including woodland planting, restoring peatland, wetland restoration and habitat protection.164

Check out some of the green jobs in Surrey to look out for now and in the future. Some of these are in the sectors listed above and others will be available across a range of businesses.

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