Heat pump installation training

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Heat pump overview

Heat pumps capture heat from outside and draw it into our homes, using electricity, providing heating and hot water throughout the day. This process is very energy efficient and requires up to four times less electricity than other electric heating systems.

Heat pumps provide an innovative alternative to conventional (usually gas) central heating systems. They have lower carbon emissions than conventional heating systems, so are key to Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. They are more energy efficient, and also make use of the increased renewable energy coming into the national grid.

Using less energy also means that heat pump systems have lower running costs, reducing energy bills. The lifetime cost of operating a heat pump is often cheaper than other heating systems as they require less maintenance and have a lifespan of around 20 years.

Becoming a heat pump engineer (YouTube video)

Key facts

  • It is estimated that 470,000 Surrey properties need heat pumps installing, with the total value of these works being around £7 billion.
  • The government has indicated that gas boilers will no longer be allowed in new build homes from 2025, and the installation of gas boilers in existing properties will be banned from 2035.
  • The government is also proposing that all newly rented properties will be required to be Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) C or above from 2025, and heat pumps can be a major part of achieving this.
  • There are increasing government incentives encouraging people to install heat pumps, including the Boiler Upgrade Scheme which provides up to £6000 towards the costs.

Training courses available

Existing heating engineers and plumbers already have most of the skills required to install heat pumps including common plumbing processes, water regulations, principles of heat loss calculations, health and safety, and customer service. There is a huge opportunity to take advantage of the growing demand for heat pumps through undertaking some short training (typically 5 days).

Energy Training Network at Horley (ISO Energy Training Centre). They provide training on:

  • Air Source Heat Pump Systems (non-refrigerant Circuits)
  • Low Temperature Hot Water Systems
  • Understanding the electrical obligations of heat pump installation
  • Water regulations
  • Surveying and calculation of building heat loss

Business Edge in Chertsey who provide training on Low Temperature Heating and Hot Water Systems in Dwellings

Skills Bootcamps

Skills Bootcamps are free, flexible online courses of up to 16 weeks for Surrey residents giving people the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast-track career progression.

Our Skills Bootcamps webpage has more details and information on how to get involved.

Funding support

The government is currently providing £500 in funding towards the costs of heat pump training. Several of the above providers are part of this funding, but others are also available. See the complete list of heat training providers (GOV.UK).

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