Surrey's Local Resilience Forum

What is the Local Resilience Forum?

Surrey's Local Resilience Forum (LRF) is a multi-agency partnership made up of representatives from local public services, including the Emergency Services, Local Authorities, NHS England and the Environment Agency, which are all Category One Responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. The LRF is also supported by Category Two Responders, such as National Highways and utility companies.

The Surrey LRF brings together all agencies with a significant role to play in responding to and recovery from the effects of emergencies, and was formed to meet the requirements of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. The LRF aims to plan and prepare for local incidents and large scale emergencies.

Category One Responders

Emergency services:

Local authorities and county councils:

Government agencies:

Environment Agency

Health partners:

Note: Surrey County Council also provide health services in relation to public health and adult social care

Category Two Responders

Government agencies

Met Office

Transport companies

Utility companies:

  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Telephone

Other health partners:

Plus: GP practices, dentists, pharmacists and opticians

Other partners:

This work is supported by a network of sub-groups, each of which brings together multi-agency partners to deliver more detailed planning in areas. The current sub groups include:

  • Community Resilience Group
  • Welfare Group
  • Command, Control, Coordination and Communication Group
  • Risk Assessment Working Group
  • Adverse Weather Group
  • Training and Exercising Group
  • Surrey Comms / Warning and Informing
  • Local Authority Group

Other responsibilities of the forum

Each year the Surrey Local Resilience Forum publishes the Surrey Community Risk Register (PDF).

The Surrey Local Resilience Forum also delivers a programme of training and exercising for partners who are involved in preparing for and responding to incidents. Please contact the Surrey LRF Business Support Unit via the details below if you would like to enquire about any of the training and exercising courses on offer to partners.

Surrey Local Resilience Forum is also responsible for the writing of the Surrey Emergency Response Plan (SERP) and the Surrey Local Resilience Forum Recovery Protocol. For more information on the Local Resilience Forum or copies of these plans, please contact the Business Support Unit on:

Telephone: 0208 213 2800 / Email: (Please note that this inbox is not monitored out of hours)

Surrey County Council provide information on school closures.

Files available to download

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