What the Emergency Management Team does

Surrey County Council has statutory duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to ensure that the council is prepared and able to respond to any emergency incidents within the county. The team work closely with members of the Surrey Local Resilience Forum and all the departments of the County Council to integrate and co-ordinate Surrey's emergency arrangements.

The Emergency Management Team work according to the requirements of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, their work includes:

  • Assessing local risks in order to identify what situations need to be planned for
  • Co-ordinate and manage the writing, exercising and reviewing of emergency plans to respond to incidents in and around the county
  • Working with other key organisations to enhance the management of an emergency, through meetings, planning, training, exercising and incident response
  • Planning to ensure that Surrey County Council has plans in place to deliver its critical services to the public during an emergency
  • Providing a 24 hour, 365 days a year on call service to manage the response to an emergency on behalf of Surrey County Council to any incidents in Surrey
  • Providing advice to local businesses and voluntary organisations about business continuity
  • Providing guidance to Parish Councils and other community groups, to help communities prepare for emergencies
  • Providing emergency planning guidance to schools.

Contact the Emergency Management Team

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