Surrey Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

As the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for Surrey, we are responsible for publishing a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. This document sets out how we manage the risk of flooding across the county.

The County Council is designated as LLFA under the Flood and Water Management Act (2010). The Act states that an LLFA has a duty to "develop, maintain, apply and monitor a Strategy for local flood risk management in its area".

2022 Flood Strategy Refresh

We published our current Local Flood Risk Management Strategy in 2017. The National Flood Risk Management Strategy was updated in July 2020. Surrey County Council are in the process of updating our Local Strategy to be consistent with the National Strategy. The updated Strategy document will be published to this webpage when it is complete.

If you have any questions regarding the Strategy, or wish to view it in an accessible format, please contact us via

Reporting flooding

To report any problems related to flooding, please see our flooding advice page.

Files available to download

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