There are different types of housing in Surrey. Some are managed by boroughs and district councils, while others are managed by housing associations.
Council housing
Information about council housing including types of tenancy, repairs and maintenance information can be accessed through the website.
You can also apply online using your post code to take you to your local information and applications forms. provides the following information:
- grants for adaptations to council houses for people with disabilities
- standards for maintenance and repairs of housing association homes
- shared ownership for council and housing trust tenants
- general information about right-to-buy schemes and home ownership schemes.
Empty and derelict properties
Open and derelict properties represent a wasted resource that could be better used to alleviate homelessness and address housing needs. In addition, there could be both health and safety concerns from the structural decay of properties and their effect on nearby properties.
In the first instance, queries and concerns about individual properties should be directed to the Housing Services of your local district or borough council.
Houseboat moorings
Surrey County Council has 22 houseboat moorings on the Basingstoke Canal, 20 at New Haw and two in Woking.
These are held on long leases, the earliest of which expires in 2037. Any change of lease is a private matter between the existing leaseholder and their potential replacement. Our solicitors will then ratify the change.
Pay your houseboat mooring rental
Housing associations
Your local district or borough council has lists of housing associations in your area.
The National Housing Federation is the body that represents the independent social housing sector. They have around 1400 non-profit housing organisations currently in their membership. Between them they own or manage around 1.4 million homes.
If you rent your home from a housing association, you could find out about house swaps by taking a look at the website.
Mobile homes
If you are a resident of a mobile home, or if you are a site owner, contact your local district or borough council if you require any information about housing matters.
Shared ownership housing
Contact your local district or borough council for further information about shared ownership housing in your area. They can also provide information about residents' associations.
The website offers more information about home ownership schemes including shared ownership housing.
Extra care housing
Extra care housing is similar to sheltered housing in that the accommodation usually consists of individual, self-contained flats, each with its own front door.
The difference is that the level of personal care available is much higher and can be arranged according to individual needs. While an onsite care provider can support people with personal care, help with meals and other daily living activities, people living at extra care settings have the reassurance that staff are available 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies.
In addition, extra care housing includes communal facilities which create opportunities for a range of social and leisure activities to take place, and to create a community in which people can live and age well.
See our Adult Social Care section for more information about Extra care housing.