Save the date - Adult learning courses and workshops opening soon

Hundreds of courses and workshops opening for enrolment soon!

Enrolments are opening soon for courses starting after Easter, as part of our summer term provision of courses.

Following learner feedback regarding our enrolment events, these are now staggered over multiple days…

  • Enrolments for our Arts and Crafts courses will open at 9am on Wednesday 2 April.
  • Enrolments for most of our other courses, including Languages, Dance, Exercise and Games, Cookery and Nutrition, Counselling, Psychology, History and Culture, Lipreading, Family Learning, Computing and IT will open at 9am on Thursday 3 April.
  • Enrolments for our Passport to Wellbeing and English and other courses for HongKongers will open at 9am on Wednesday 9 April.
  • Our Summer term courses will be visible on our website for viewing only from 9am on Friday 21 March.

Courses and workshops start from Monday 28 April and run through to Monday 21 July, both online and at our seven centres.

In addition, Summer Skills is back for 2025. Our range of short courses and workshops run from the end of the summer term until Friday 26 July, and will also be available to view and enrol onto on the same dates as the above. This provision will this year take place at our Camberley, Esher, Guildford and Woking centres, and online via Zoom.

Save the date and do something for you this summer!

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  • Reviewed: 13 Feb 2025

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