Response to Local Area SEND Inspection Report – Improvement Plan

In response to the Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) Local Area SEND Inspection report published on 24 November 2023, the Surrey Additional Needs and Disabilities (AND) Partnership have worked together to develop an Improvement Plan.

This Improvement Plan specifically addresses the areas of improvement identified by inspectors and builds on the existing Surrey's Inclusion and Additional Needs Partnership Strategy (2023 to 2026), which was published in January 2023. This information has been published as a separate document due to the timescales for publication in relation to the inspection process. In time, its contents will be incorporated into the wider strategy.

You can read the Surrey Local Area SEND Partnership Improvement Plan.

Local Area SEND Inspection outcome informs you of the inspection outcome and identified areas of improvement.

Both the Strategy and Improvement Plan support the AND Partnership's commitment to enabling Surrey's children and young people aged 0 to 25 with additional needs and / or disabilities to lead the best possible life.

Members of the AND Partnership have recently reaffirmed their determination to deliver against the objectives outlined in both documents, to improve services at pace and to ultimately deliver better experiences and outcomes for Surrey's children and young people with additional needs and disabilities, and their families.

A special meeting of the Surrey County Council Cabinet was held on 11 December 2023 for partners to review and respond the Inspection report.

Updates on plans and progress will be provided as this work continues.

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  • Reviewed: 13 Mar 2025

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