Community bike refurbishment project a success

Child riding a bike

Making a difference one bike at a time

A partnership project, that gives adults and children the chance to travel actively by bike is making good progress. Active Surrey and Suez, have redirected 91 bikes from Re-Use shops at Surrey Community Recycling Centres to be refurbished by inmates at Ford Open Prison. The refurbished bikes have then been redistributed across the county to various community projects.

A total of 85 of the bikes were given to Ukrainian refugees living across the county with host families, thanks to support from Surrey County Council and the Homes for Ukraine scheme. There has been universal uptake of the offer across the county with many of the people receiving bikes, along with a safety kit of new lights, lock, helmet and hi-visibility vest.

Over Easter, children's bikes were taken to Sythwood School in Goldsworth Park in Woking.

Six bikes were given away to children who had been attending the Active Surrey Club4 camp at Sythwood during the holiday, a programme which was delivered by NS Sport. These children also had free holiday provision thanks to the Department of Education's (DfE) Holiday Activities and Food programme.

Children eligible for benefits like free school meals, were offered a free recycled bike to take home at the end of the week. Children also each received a new helmet to go with their refurbished bike.

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