Looking back at a busy tree planting season

Volunteers planting new trees

Get involved by using our new interactive tree map on our website

Since the launch of our tree planting strategy for our county, over 510,744 trees have now been planted. The new working together to plant 1.2 million trees webpages have also been launched to include an interactive tree map where you can plot trees that you have planted. The webpages also include tree planting advice and how you can get involved with the project.

Here are some of the highlights from our tree planting season.

1952 metres of new hedgerows have been planted during last year's tree planting season, offering improved air quality, great benefits for wildlife habitats such as creating green corridors which allow wildlife to travel without being disturbed.

The Tree Planting and Establishment Team, along with 180 community volunteers spent four days planting over 7300 hedgerow trees at Bocketts Farm to support wildlife connectivity.

During November, last year, the team delivered a workshop at Bronzefield Women's Prison in Ashford to women who were undertaking horticultural qualifications. 42 feathered trees were donated to the prison, which offer shade, seasonal colour and further education on the benefits of trees to the women there.

The Priory C of E School in Dorking, had 2625 native broadleaf trees planted using an experimental planting technique called Miyawaki or Tiny Forest. This technique of dense tree planting helps to restore naturally occurring native species, aids with screening from noise and pollution and provides natural drainage, as we experience wetter winters.

If you want to keep up with the tree planting team, you can check out the new webpages and head to the Get Involved webpage to sign yourself up for tree planting volunteering events.

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