The River Thames Scheme

Downstream measures campaign

The River Thames Scheme (RTS) launches a Downstream Measures Campaign.

April 2024 saw the RTS launch a Downstream Measures Campaign, which aims to explain in more detail, how the Scheme is designed to provide a more effective route for floodwater to pass downstream. The downstream measures will be required as part of the wider RTS design proposals, to ensure there is no increase in flood risk at any location across the Scheme.

What do we mean by downstream measures in relation to the River Thames Scheme?

Downstream means the direction that the water in a river flows, so for the RTS, when we say downstream, we are referring to the area below the two new flood channel sections. The measures downstream of the channel include proposals to lower the riverbed within a stretch of the River Thames around one kilometre in length from the downstream end of Desborough Cut to just downstream of Walton Marina and additional gates at Sunbury, Molesey and Teddington weirs. These additional gates will create a new pathway for water at the weir complex, supporting the current gates and weirs.

Does the proposed new flood channel increase flood risk downstream?

We have developed a river model to assess the impact of the Scheme on flooding, which has confirmed that, with the Scheme in place, there is no increase in peak river levels at any location or in any flood conditions compared to the situation without the River Thames Scheme. In most flood conditions, modelling shows that there is a reduction in water levels. Our Flood Modelling Report (PDF) on the downstream measure campaign web page shares more detail on flood risk along the scheme boundary.

Find out more about our Downstream measures campaign. You can also get involved by following us on our social media channels or signing up to our newsletter. For any other questions please email us

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