Your Fund Surrey supporting green projects

Make it happen in your community

Recently there has been a variety of green projects that have been successful in securing funding from Your Fund Surrey. The projects evidence the keenness and ambition community projects and groups have to reach net zero across the county.

Your Fund Surrey offers grants for both small and large community projects in your local area. Projects can vary from new playing fields or sports equipment, to developing green spaces and planting trees.

Some projects have already had funding agreed, while others are still awaiting a final decision. Here are some of the agreed green projects we've helped fund this year:

Head2Head Theatre

This charity in Oxted has had funding agreed to install on-site renewable energy generation and retrofit their premises to make them more energy efficient. The charity is dedicated to supporting young people with special educational needs, autism, and those that have life threatening and/or life limiting conditions. Each year, they provide live entertainment in an accessible format to more than 5,000 young people and a further 20,000 through their online channel.

Basingstoke Canal Society

The Basingstoke Canal Society has been successful in securing funding for a state-of-the-art electric canal boat and supporting charging infrastructure, replacing their existing diesel boat. The society's main remit is to preserve and develop the environmental sustainability of the canal, the move to a more sustainable canal boat will support them in their mission.

Find out more about the funding available on our Your Fund Surrey web page.

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