End of life care

A personalised service for families needing end of life care

The 6 to 12 May is Dying Matters Week, sponsored by Hospice UK. Knowing that someone has an incurable condition is always hard on those who care for them but it can sometimes be made a little easier by allowing that person to choose where they spend their final days.

For many people, this will be at home in familiar surroundings, supported by friends and family. To help the patient and support their primary carer, we have teamed up with local health services to jointly fund Crossroads Care Surrey. This provides a free end of life at home service, enabling individuals and their family to make the most of their time together.

What is End of Life care?

End of life care describes the support offered to a person with a terminal illness. 'At home' care gives the carer an opportunity to take respite breaks while maintaining the level of support needed by their loved one, providing relief from symptoms, pain and stress.

Anyone for who has 12 months or less to live can potentially benefit from end of life care, which could include:

  • People who have an advanced incurable illness, such as cancer or dementia.
  • Those who have a life-threatening acute condition caused by a sudden catastrophic event, such as a stroke or accident.
  • Patients with existing conditions whereby a sudden crisis could prove fatal.

The goal is to improve the quality of life for everyone involved. The process starts with developing a personalised end of life plan which outlines the support to be given to the person receiving care, reducing pressure on the carer.

End of life care can begin as soon as it's needed within a person's final year and can last a few days or many months.

Why choose End of Life Care at home?

This form of respite care is designed to ensure that the carer's needs are recognised alongside the person being cared for. Individuals receive support that respects their spiritual beliefs.

Crossroads Care Surrey liaises with health professionals and others already working with the unpaid carer. Their support workers manage a person's symptoms and keep them as comfortable as possible while the carer takes a break, enabling them to do other things that are important to them - or simply try to relax.

How to request support

To discuss how this service may be able to help you and your loved ones with practical support at a difficult time, contact Crossroads Care Surrey on 01372 869970 or email enquiries@ccsurrey.org.uk.

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