M25 weekend closures in March

Find out more about National Highways series of spring road closures

National Highways has announced a series of full weekend closures taking place this spring.

The next two major closures to be aware of are two weekend closures of the M25 between junctions 10 at Wisley and 11 at Chertsey. The closures are taking place over two weekends in March, dates and times are as follows:

  • 9pm Friday 7 March to 6am Monday 10 March
  • 9pm Friday 21 March to 6am Monday 24 March

The closures are needed to demolish and remove old bridges. More details and diversion information can be found on the National Highways website.

A3 weekend closure –and April

Following the two M25 closures in a March, a full weekend closure of the A3 is planned for April. The closure will be in place in both directions between junction 10 and Cobham Roundabout/A245 from 9pm Friday the 11 April to 6am Monday 14 April.

More details and diversion information will be announced on the National Highways website nearer the date of this closure.

Travel advice

We expect roads around the M25, and the diversion route will be busy, much like the previous closures. Please consider this when making plans and check for traffic updates before travelling.

About the Wisley interchange works

Further details about the junction 10 works, including dates of any overnight closures can also be found on National Highways website. There are also updates on the project on social media on National Highways X/Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Who can I contact about the works?

If you have questions about the project, you can contact National Highways by emailing info@nationalhighways.co.uk or calling 0300 123 5000.

You can also sign up to our Highways Update newsletter to get the latest updates on the closures and other highways issues from across the county. Don't forget to follow the Surrey Highways Facebook and X accounts.

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