Member Code of Conduct

The Localism Act 2011 abolished the 'Standards Board regime' and replaced it with a more locally focused process for regulating Member conduct. The new legislation requires Councils to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by their Members and Co-opted Members, but provides much more flexibility and choice. The introduction of the Act presented the Council with an opportunity to draw up a code of conduct that is both clear and relevant.

Surrey County Council has adopted the following Code of Conduct for Members (please see file attachments below).

Monitoring Officer

Asmat Hussain, Interim Director of Law and Governance, is also the Council's "Monitoring Officer", appointed under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.

The role of the Monitoring Officer is to ensure the sound governance, lawfulness and fairness of all Council decision making. They:

  • must report any unlawfulness or maladministration to the Council, to the Leader or to the Cabinet;
  • is responsible for ensuring the Council's Constitution is properly maintained, operates efficiently and adhered to; and
  • holds a key role in promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct within the authority.

Find out more

Files available to download

  • Member Code of Conduct - 2021 (PDF)
    This document sets out the Member Code of Conduct for Surrey County Council. All Councils are required to have a Councillor Code of Conduct and the role of a Councillor in Surrey County Council is a vital part of the Council’s system of democracy. It is important that Councillors can be held accountable and adopt the behaviours and responsibilities associated with their role.
  • Arrangements for dealing with Member Conduct - Dec 20 (PDF)
    Outlines the council’s arrangements for dealing with any complaint it receives alleging that an elected or co-opted Member of Surrey County Council has failed to comply with its Member Code of Conduct. These arrangements will form the basis for investigating and deciding any such complaints.
  • 2012 Disclosable pecuniary interests guidance notes (PDF)
    Explanation of the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 ss29 to ss34

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