Environment, Infrastructure and Growth

Executive Director – Katie Stewart

Environment, Infrastructure and Growth's purpose is to enable sustainable, prosperous places and safe, reliable connectivity now and in the future. This is delivered through the following groups of services:

  • Economy and Growth
  • Environment
  • Highways and Transport
  • Infrastructure and Major Projects
  • Land and Property
  • Planning and Placemaking

Economy and Growth

Head of Service – Dawn Redpath

We oversee the economic development of the whole of Surrey, providing valued strategic services focusing on businesses, careers and skills. We work with partners to champion and futureproof the country's leading regional economy, which is home to 110,000 businesses and contributes £48 billion a year to the UK, second only to London.

Our work is steered by the One Surrey Growth Board, Surrey Business Leaders' Forum and Surrey Skills Leadership Forum.

These are our four key priorities:

  • Growing the leading edge to support and promote key sectors and businesses
  • Maximising opportunities in a balanced, diverse economy by developing skills
  • Supporting green businesses with the aim of meeting Net Zero targets
  • Taking a 'whole place' approach to establish local visions and priorities to reimagine how our places work


Head of Service – Carolyn McKenzie

We provide a range of services designed to build healthy sustainable communities. Our Environment teams work across four main areas:

  • Our Greener Futures Group aims to help residents live in clean, safe and green communities where people and organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities. It focuses on areas including: climate change, strategic energy and Surrey Hills AONB (area of national beauty).
  • Our Resources and the Circular Economy Group ensures the sustainable management of waste across Surrey. It manages our contract with Suez and the operation of kerbside collections, community recycling centres, waste transfer stations and Eco Park waste treatment facilities.
  • Our Natural Capital Group focuses on improving the natural environment within Surrey and maximising the value of this resource to support both health and environmental outcomes.
  • Our Flood and Climate Resilience Group comprises: Flood Risk Infrastructure and Programming, Flood Risk Planning and Consenting and Flood Risk Management Strategy and Partnerships. The group also provides guidance on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and Natural Flood Management.

Highways and Transport

Head of Service – Lucy Monie

We provide essential services for residents, businesses and visitors to Surrey. Our key aim is to make every journey safe and reliable so places in the county can grow and prosper, now and in the future.

Highways and Transport comprises three areas:

  • Strategic Transport.
  • Network and Asset Management
  • Local Highways Services

Surrey County Council is a highways authority so we lead on statutory duties including network management and highway safety. What we do, and the powers we have, are largely governed by statute. We are responsible for assets with a gross replacement cost of £7.8 billion, including over 3,000 miles of roads, 3,262 miles of footway and 1,800 bridges and structures.

Infrastructure and Major Projects

Head of Service - Antoinette Antoine

We lead the design and implementation of capital major projects across the Environment, Infrastructure and Growth Directorate, including multi-million-pound highways, environmental and waste schemes.

The team provides project management expertise, overseeing project delivery from the initial feasibility design phases, through to stakeholder consultation and implementation stages of major projects.

River Thames Scheme Group - The River Thames Scheme (RTS) represents a new landscape-based approach to creating healthier, more resilient, and more sustainable communities by responding to the challenges of flooding, improving access to green open spaces and sustainable travel routes, encouraging inclusive economic growth, and increasing biodiversity. It is designed to unlock the economic, health and environmental benefits of the river between Egham and Teddington.

Land and Property

Head of Service – Simon Crowther

We manage and transform Surrey County Council's property portfolio in line with our Asset and Place Strategy (2019-2030). Our teams support the delivery of services to residents and businesses by generating income across our estate, providing excellent customer service and increasing efficiencies.

We engage with our stakeholders and partners, other public bodies, and voluntary, community and faith organisations to identify and deliver asset-backed opportunities. Our portfolio is valued in excess of £1.2bn, with a revenue budget in excess of £34m. The team is delivering a significant £0.5bn capital investment programme over the next five years.

Planning and Placemaking

Head of Service – Tim Crawshaw

We provide a comprehensive service to ensure positive social, economic and environmental outcomes for the people of Surrey.

We discharge, on behalf of the Council, a range of statutory services, deciding on planning applications for minerals and waste and our own developments, such as schools, and planning positively for the future.

Through Transport Development Planning we provide advice to local councils in Surrey about transport and highways matters. We also provide advice regarding the historic environment and archaeology. Our directorate works with local district and borough councils to ensure infrastructure and services support new development and work closely with them to develop and promote placemaking projects.

The Placemaking group designs and delivers projects across Surrey that demonstrate the confidence Surrey County Council has in our diverse places, related to our work in active travel, flood risk management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the creation of healthy places.

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