Surrey County Council has a responsibility to support, care for and protect the most vulnerable people in the community, as well as providing information and advice to all Surrey residents.
Adult Social Care vision
"Supporting people to live their best life"
People live their best life by connecting to their communities, embracing supportive technology and accessing joined-up support and care when needed, which delivers what matters to them.
Delivering this vision will mean residents:
- are informed and able, or have the support, to make decisions about their lives
- are enabled to be active, independent and have good wellbeing
- are connected to their communities
Adult Social Care ambitions
- developing an innovative, high-quality prevention approach, underpinned by an accessible digital offer for those residents who are able to self-serve to access information and advice on demand and personalised support for those who need it
- transforming Surrey's reablement offer to support all people, from the community and following hospital discharge, who would benefit from personalised support to achieve their goals and to gain or re-gain skills, confidence and independence
- improving mental health outcomes to maximise independence for Surrey's people through better early intervention, prevention, targeted and long-term support
- delivering with partners modern, technology-enabled homes and accommodation models with the right care and support to enable people to live as independently as possible
- working together as an effective and financially sustainable system, with place-based partners and residents to co-produce services, to deliver good outcomes for people, support them to access health and social care at the right time and in the right place
- working in partnership to improve outcomes for young people in transition to adulthood to maximise their independence and live their best life
- enhancing our commitment to consistent strengths-based approaches to prevent, reduce and delay reliance on, and demand for, long-term care
- creating the environment for staff to develop, progress their careers and thrive in a respectful, inclusive workplace with a supportive culture
Key support areas you can find useful information on:
- Staying independent
- Mental health
- Support for people with a disability
- Raising concerns and staying safe
- Looking after someone
Senior leaders in Adult Social Care
- Executive Director, Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships – Claire Edgar
- Strategic Director Transformation, Assurance and Integration – Sarah Kershaw
- Director Integrated Commissioning - Jonathan Lillistone
- Director Public Health - Ruth Hutchinson
- Chief of Staff - Kathryn Pyper
- Director Mental Health, Prisons & Emergency Duty Team - Liz Uliasz
- Director Operations (Mid and East Surrey) - Paul Richards
- Director Operations (South West and North West Surrey) - Wendy Hale
- Director Operations (Woking and Nominated Individual) - Anna Grainger
- Director Disabilities - Fadzai Tande
- Director of Prevention & Home First - Chris McKenzie
- Director of Practice, Assurance & Safeguarding - Luke Addams
For general enquiries, please contact Adult Social Care.
Public Health
The Public Health team works across a number of key areas of health improvement and protection for the population of Surrey. Many of these services are commissioned from third-parties from across the NHS, local government, voluntary and private sectors. The key areas Public Health support are:
- breastfeeding
- national child measurement programme
- children and young people (aged 0 to 19 years)
- healthy child programme
- dental public health
- obesity and weight reduction services
- health checks
- sexual health services
- stopping smoking
- drug and alcohol support services
- mental health and wellbeing
- physical activity
- workplace health
- preventing excess winter deaths
For more information about why public health is important and Surrey's public health registrar placements, see About public health
Surrey Coroner
The coroner is a doctor or lawyer responsible for investigating deaths in particular situations and can also arrange for a post-mortem examination of the body, if necessary. An inquest is a legal inquiry into the causes and circumstances of a death.
The Surrey Coroner is Richard Travers, assisted by an Area Coroner, Simon Wickens and Assistant Coroners. They deal with cases at the coroner's court in Woking, under the direction of the coroner, reporting and referring to him.
For more information see Surrey Coroner.