Below are a list of links of completed Equality Impact Assessments for Adult Social Care.
As further assessments are completed they will be added to the top of the page.
Files available to download
Adults Social Care – Technology Enabled Care & Homes Service in Surrey (2025) (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment on TECH strategy for individuals self-funding care and eligible adults/young people in Surrey (2025). -
Adult Social Care Everyday Living Opportunities Commissioning Plan EIA (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment on the proposed Commissioning Plan for everyday living services that support people who receive adult social care to thrive in their local communities -
Adult Social Care – Right Care, Right Person 2024 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment on persons who need help getting the best care from an appropriate service by reducing the reliance on police as the first responders -
Adults Social Care – Older People’s Residential and Nursing Care Homes 2024 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment on the Older People’s Residential and Nursing Care Home Delivery Strategy for care homes currently owned by SCC and leased out (2024) -
Adult Social Care - Travel Policy 2024 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment on the provision of travel support for people who receive adult social care services -
Adult Social Care - Changes to work patterns in the Reablement Day Service 2023 (PDF)
Equality impact assessment on changes to working hours and patterns for Integrated Reablement Workers and Reablement Assistants in the Reablement Day Service -
Adult Social Care – New directory of services Connect to Support Surrey (2023) (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment for new online directory of services Connect to Support Surrey as part of our universal information and advice service (2023). -
Adult Social Care - Service Delivery and Reablement Central Teams 2023 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment on the future of the Service Delivery Central Team and restructure of the Reablement Central Team -
Adult Social Care - Community Accommodation Dynamic Purchasing System 2023 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment for learning disability and autism, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, Mental Health Community Accommodation and Dynamic Purchasing System -
Adult Social Care – Closure of Arundel House 2023 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment on the closure of Arundel House in house residential care home and the services provided for people with learning disabilities. -
Adult Social Care – Recommissioning of Community Connections Services 2023 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for the recommissioning of Community Connections services which support people with mental health needs in Surrey. -
Adult Social Care – Rodney House and Langdown Transfer to Supported Living 2023 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment for the transition to supported living for Rodney House and Langdown residential care learning disability services -
Adult Social Care – Review of In-house Extra Care Services (2023) (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment for review of support provided to tenants residing at five housing with care settings by staff employed by SCC’s reablement service -
Adult Social Care - Short Breaks for adults with learning disabilities and autism 2023 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment for the redesign of short breaks to provide a more diverse range of community support alongside modern overnight accommodation. -
Adult Social Care – Stroke Support Service (2022) (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment for the commissioned service which supports adult stroke survivors, their families and carers in their recovery following a stroke -
Equality Impact Assessment - Adult Social Care – Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023 to 2024 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment setting out the equality impacts and mitigation for efficiencies to be delivered by Adult Social Care in financial year 2023 to 2024. -
Adult Social Care - One Council Direct Payment Strategy Equality Impact Assessment 2022 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment of the Council’s Direct Payment Strategy to enable children and adults to purchase their own care and support to meet eligible needs. -
Adult Social Care - Strategy for People with Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairments (2022) (PDF)
Adult Social Care's Equality Impact Assessment of Surrey’s first strategy for people aged 18+ with physical disabilities and sensory impairments -
Adult Social Care - Mental Health Service Administrative & Finance Restructure (2022) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the Mental Health service finance and administrative functions as part of phase 2 of the Mental Health transformation programme. -
Adult Social Care - Mental Health Service restructure 2022 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for the restructure of the Mental Health Service as part of the Modernising Adult Mental Health transformation programme. -
Adult Social Care - Surrey All Age Autism Strategy 2021 (Easy Read) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the Surrey All Age Autism Strategy and 5-year implementation plan to achieve an autism friendly approach across education, health, social care, work and community settings (Easy Read) -
Adult Social Care - Surrey All Age Autism Strategy 2021 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the Surrey All Age Autism Strategy and 5-year implementation plan to achieve an autism friendly approach across education, health, social care, work and community settings -
Adult Social Care – Surrey Carers Strategy 2021-2024 and Recommissioning (2022) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for Surrey carers strategy 2021-2024 and recommissioning of prevention and wellbeing services for carers -
Adult Social Care Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022 to 2023 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment setting out the equality impacts and actions to mitigate them for the efficiencies programmes in Adult Social Care for the 2022 to 2023 financial year. -
Adult Social Care – Direct Payments Peer Support and Personal Assistant Support Services for Children and Adults (2022) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for the direct payments peer support and personal assistant support services for children and adults in Surrey. -
Adult Social Care – Recommissioning of Advocacy Services (2022) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for the recommissioning of advocacy services in Surrey, including adult non-instructed advocacy, adult instructed advocacy and children’s non-instructed and instructed advocacy. -
Adult Social Care – Enabling Independence Team Restructure (2022) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for the restructure of the Mental Health Enabling Independence Team as part of phase 2 of the Mental Health transformation programme. -
Adult Social Care - Redesign of Liquidlogic Adults System (LAS) Forms (2022) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the redesign of LAS forms to reflect the introduction of strengths-based practice in Adult Social Care -
Adult Social Care - Future of the Eight Residential Care Homes for Older People (2022) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the options being considered for the eight older people’s residential care homes. -
Adult Social Care - Tier 2 on call in the Service Delivery Central Team (2021) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment on introducing tier 2 on call for older people and learning disability services in the Service Delivery Central Team -
Adult Social Care - Accommodation for People with Mental Health/Substance Misuse (2021) (PDF)
Assessing the impact on people with protected characteristics of the implementation of a strategic, whole systems commissioning approach for accommodation with care and support for adults with a mental health and/or substance misuse needs. -
EIA - Adult Social Care Information and Advice Strategy 2021-2026 (PDF)
Equality Impact Assessment for the Information and Advice Strategy: care and support 2021-2026 -
Adult Social Care - Residential Care Dynamic Purchasing System (2021) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for the recommissioning a new joint contract with Surrey Continuing Healthcare (CHC) for residential care with, or without, nursing -
Adult Social Care - Commissioning Strategy for Older People (2021) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment for the commissioning strategy for older people 2021 – 2030 -
Adult Social Care - Transformational Savings 2021/22 (2021) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the Adult Social Care transformational savings 2021/22, which are made up of care pathway, learning disability and autism, accommodation with care and support, mental health and market management savings -
Adult Social Care – Accommodation with Care Strategy for Extra Care (2020) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the accommodation with care strategy for extra care (housing model focused on older people, offering accessible and adaptable housing alongside formalised care services) to address the limited availability of extra care units in Surrey -
Adult Social Care – Supported Independent Living Strategy (2020) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment of the independent living strategy for new and existing people with a learning disability and autism -
Adult Social Care - Discontinuing the Surrey Disability Register Equality Impact Assessment (2020) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment from 2020 detailing the equality impacts of the council's decision to discontinue to Surrey Disability Register. -
Adult Social Care - Home-Based Care Service 2020-21 (2021) Recommissioning (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment assessing the impact of recommissioning the Home-Based Care Service, which includes health and social support for users of Adult Social Care, such as supporting them to wash and get dressed, shopping and household cleaning. -
Adult Social Care - Adult Social Care Transformational Savings 2020/21 (2020) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment assessing the impact of Adult Social Care transformational savings 2020/21, which are made up of practice improvement, learning disability and autism, accommodation with care and support and mental health savings. -
Accommodation for Adults with Mental Health or Substance Misuse Problems EIA 2019 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment assessing the impact of implementing a strategic commissioning approach to the accommodation with care and support needs for adults with a mental health and/or substance misuse problem. -
Adult Social Care - Termination of the Section 75 Agreement Between Surrey County Council and Surrey and Borders Partnership 2019 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment assessing the impact of changes to commissioning and delivery of mental health services following the termination of the Section 75 arrangement between Surrey County Council and Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. -
Adult Social Care - Delegation Portal 2019 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment assessing the impact of introducing a delegation portal, which offers a safer way to send confidential case information between professionals. -
Liquidlogic Adult Systems Mobile App and Mobile Device Equality Impact Assessment 2019 (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment assessing the impact of introducing the Liquidlogic Adult Systems (LAS) Mobile App and the Dedicated Hybrid Device upon which the app runs. -
Adult Social Care - Restructuring of the commissioning service in Adult Social Care (2019) (PDF)
This Equality Impact Assessment assesses the impact of changing the structure of the current commissioning service from being divided across Surrey into a central service. -
Adult Social Care - Restructure of the Financial Assessments and Benefits Service (2018) (PDF)
An Equality Impact Assessment assessing the impact of integrating the responsibilities of the Financial Assessments & Benefits (FAB) and Credit Control (CC) functions into a single team under a single management structure. -
Adult Social Care - Dementia Navigator Retender (2018) (PDF)
Impact of the proposals on residents and service users with protected characteristics -
Adult Social Care - Future of care and support at Hillside Residential Home (2018) (PDF)
Consultation on the future of care and support at Hillside Residential Care Home, Camberley