Road Safety Team - privacy notice


  • Name of Service - Road Safety Team
  • Directorate - Environment, Infrastructure and Growth
  • Date of Issue - 16 April 2024
  • Date of current issue - 16 April 2024
  • Review Date - 16 April 2026


The reasons why we use your personal data

This privacy notice applies to the functions of the Highway Service that incorporates Road Safety functions within Surrey County Council in relation to surveying roadside signage and speed limit signs.

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the team

We use dashcams to support the work of the team when surveying roadside signage. During this process the capture of images of passing vehicles and individuals may occur.

Your personal data is collected in order to carry out our statutory responsibilities under the different legislative frameworks. In addition, we collect your personal data for the following:

  • Service delivery
  • Service improvement and planning
  • Prevention & detection of crime
  • Research
  • Vital Interests

What Information do we collect?

  • Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM)
  • Your image

How we are allowed to use your personal data

Legal obligation or public task under various UK legislation including but not limited to:

  • Road Traffic Act 1988
  • Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Who we share your personal data with

It may be necessary for us to share your personal data with the Police and other internal teams within Surrey County Council.

Retention of data

Data will be retained, stored and processed securely for a period of 90 days, unless there is a lawful requirement to retain further.

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices please see information and privacy.

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